Despite campaign promises, casinos, not schools, are big winners from gaming profits

That 2012 referendum on gambling had propelled Maryland’s schools into the spotlight of a multimillion-dollar campaign where supporters touted the message that more gambling would be a win for education.

But the measure, approved by voters that fall, has actually worked to send more money to the casino companies in fiscal year 2014 than to the education fund that was established when the state first legalized casino gambling in

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Lottery revenues suffer as players begin spending at casinos

State lottery revenue dropped for the first time in 16 years — $1.7 billion, or 2 percent, in fiscal 2013. The state budget predicts another drop this year.

The “likely cause is the increased competition from casinos,” according to a Maryland General Assembly budget analysis. Another state report found what “appears to be a direct correlation” between a drop in instant ticket sales and retailers’ proximity to a casino

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Big Democratic guns tell seniors anti-casino ads are misleading

In the battle for expanded casino gambling, they brought out the big political guns Thursday to persuade hundreds of residents of the large Leisure World retirement community in Montgomery County that ads against Question 7 ads are misleading and dishonest. Maryland Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown, Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett and Sen. Roger Manno — all Democrats — told the seniors that building a world-class casino at National Harbor in Prince George’s County will have positive impacts on the state’s economy and education funding.

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Gambling expansion sent to House with major tax breaks for casinos

In a mostly party-line, 13-to-7 vote Monday night, the House of Delegates Ways & Means Committee approved gaming expansion legislation that included what had been the major stumbling block for House leaders when they derailed a similar deal back in June. The bill gives tax breaks for casino operators just three months after legislators approved income tax hikes on 300,000 Marylanders.

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