Native Americans take their Pipeline fight to Washington
WASHINGTON – A huge rally and march was held Friday by Native American tribes from around the country. They were supplemented by their allies from the Peace & Justice community.
Despite periods of rain and some light snow, thousands gathered at 10 a.m. in front of the main office of the Army Corps of Engineers. Then, they marched about two miles to the White House.
They marched to protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline that they claim threatens the environment.
After their first stop at the Corps of Engineers, they stopped at one of President Donald Trump’s luxury hotels. It’s called the “Trump International Washington, D.C.” The luxury lodgings are located about 1,000 yards from the National Mall.
After that symbolic stop, the spirited social justice activists, some in Native Costumes, moved on to Lafayette Park, directly in front of the White House. There, they set up a speakers’ stand.
David Archambault, the chair of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe was the lead speaker at the event. He said the tribes were marching today “against injustice.” Archambault added that Native Nations cannot continue to be pushed around for the benefit of what he labeled “corporate interests and government whim.”

While the speakers were talking, supporters of their cause continued to protest peacefully just outside the White House fence.
At press time, it was estimated, absent judicial intervention, that the company operating the disputed pipeline, expects to have “oil flowing by the end of this month.”
To see more of my photos on this event, please visit my Facebook page and check out former Gov. Martin O’Malley remarks.

Bill Hughes is an attorney, author, actor and photographer. His latest book is “Byline Baltimore.” It can be found at:
koch brothers… heavy oil pipeline …follow the money
I am curious if these whiners clean up after themselves ? They sure left a mess while protesting the Dakota pipeline ! I live close to a tribe and they can be real pigs ! In one case they were to lazy to take a fishing trawler out of Lake Superior and the ice damaged and sunk it in the spring and diesel fuel leaked into the water !
DNR did not do shit to them ! If it had been White folks, they would have thrown the book at them ! They are lucky to have casino’s and taxpayer money because they are not inclined to work in industry !
In part, it’s because the environmental NGOs (non-governmental organizations), which are basically marketing and fundraising operations, always go for the great visuals. For them, pipeline protests are a dream. That’s how the Avaaz lobbying and public relations outfit spun off by hedge fund mogul George Soros organized the September 201 “People’s Climate March” and simultaneously pushed for U.S. intervention in Syria.13 (They tried the same tack lately with soulful pictures and fake blogs by 7-year-olds in Aleppo.) But there’s another factor involved: bourgeois party politics. ETP/Sunoco chief Kelcy Warren, Continental CEO Harold Hamm and the rest of the pipeliners are staunch Republicans, while the owner of the BNSF railway which monopolizes oil transport by rail from North Dakota is Obama backer Warren Buffett, the Democratic Party’s favorite capitalist.
Dummies —- Warren Buffett loses BIG money if that pipeline goes through …. and Buffett is a LIBERAL Hillary supporter ….
Buffet invested in RAILROADS as the obutthole regime was coming to an end. He bought in bigtime! Too bad he lost when hitlery failed to make it into the white house.
Trump slipped when he “allowed’ this. This is Canada dumping in us. Literally. It’s time they built their own refineries. Period.
Good for them!