Letter to the Editor: Breaking Down the Silo of Care: Addressing Addiction and Mental Health

Dear Editor,

Substance use disorder (SUD) has reached epidemic proportions, affecting approximately 49 million Americans annually. This treatable disease impacts millions of parents, children, siblings, friends, and colleagues.

Addiction is often linked to medical and mental health conditions. Gaudenzia, the largest non-profit treatment provider for SUD in the mid-Atlantic region, reported 68% of admissions having a co-occurring mental health diagnosis between March and June 2023.

While May is recognized as Mental Health Awareness Month, it is essential to prioritize mental health year-round as part of the comprehensive treatment program. Providers, community members, political leaders, and funders must advocate for collaborative care, especially regarding SUD treatment.

Behavioral health must transition from a siloed treatment approach to a model, which addresses the needs of the individual’s overall well-being. This involves supporting innovative treatment research, eliminating access barriers, expanding services, and investing in professional development to be able to meet each person’s needs.

Providers and funders must work together in a united effort to address and support clients effectively, promoting long-term recovery and positive mental health outcomes to save more lives.

If you or someone you know is seeking treatment, help is available by calling Gaudenzia’s 24/7 Treatment and Referral HelpLine at 833-976-HELP (4357).


Dr. Deja Gilbert
President and CEO
Gaudenzia, Inc.