Invisible Braces: What Are Your Options in 2022?

Image by Guilherme Ariga GUI WOOK from Pixabay

A close look at invisible braces options in the teledentistry industry 

The convergence between personal branding, digital communication technology, and the COVID pandemic has focused an increasing amount of attention on the vital importance of being strategic about how we present ourselves online. With a dramatic rise in the use of video calls to conduct work meetings, conscientious self-presentation has become even more crucial for successfully building one’s personal brand. 

Video Calls and Personal Brand-Building

Like any technological development, the trend towards video calls as a means of professional interaction offers both potential advantages and potential disadvantages, and the value of this particular communication technology depends on how it is used. 

Projecting a positive image 

Career coaching expert Jeff Leshay stresses the importance of presenting a positive image when communicating via video call. He observes that many people “squander the opportunity to increase their influence and enhance their personal brands” when utilizing video call technology such as Zoom and Skype. Leshay offers some basic guidance on how to advance one’s personal brand when communicating on a video call: 

Embrace the camera

Leshay advises people to “embrace the camera itself as your friend”. This means maintaining ‘eye contact’ and communicating directly with the camera in a natural and relaxed manner. 

Pay attention to lighting

Another practical tip is to avoid bright or flashing background lighting. According to Leshay, this kind of lighting can distract peoples’ attention, and so suitable lighting should be arranged prior to taking a video call.

Use body language

Leshay emphasizes that effective use of body language can “energize” one’s communication during video calls, enabling a more dynamic and impactful impression that can significantly enhance one’s personal brand.

Looking Your Best: The Importance of a Smile

Scientific research indicates that an aesthetically pleasing and emotionally sincere smile can increase the probability that other people will remember your face and name. This basic insight is crucial when considering how best to project a positive image and build a strong personal brand in the era of video calling. 

According to Dr. Marlen Martirossian, a practicing dental professional, smiling has a fundamental role in facilitating positive interpersonal interaction. They explain that the strategic significance of healthy and attractive teeth for personal brand building has risen dramatically as professional meetings are increasingly conducted via Skype and Zoom. Dr. Martirossian observes that a smile “has a lot to say, and one of the things it can say is ‘this is my brand’”.

Dr. Martirossian explains that a warm and aesthetically pleasing smile is crucial for projecting a humanized, relatable image. They also note that smiling “makes people feel good”, which contributes directly to the process of building a positive personal brand. Furthermore, Dr. Martirossian emphasizes that having beautiful, clean, healthy teeth enables people to project an image of genuine confidence.

Recognizing the importance of this observation, online sites like Smile Prep are now assisting consumers to make informed choices about how to get a cleaner, more healthy and beautiful smile. (Read more if you’d like to get further information). 

Invisible Braces – Some Options for Improving Your Smile

Invisible braces offer one of the most direct and significant ways to improve one’s teeth, and thereby to capitalize on the potential social power of smiling. Let’s briefly look at three of the best value ‘at-home’ options available on the invisible aligner market heading into 2022.


AlignerCo offers the most affordable provider of invisible braces at the approximate cost of $1145.

Some advantages include: 

  • lowest price-point,
  • easy financing (no credit checks required for the SmileFlex Easy plan), 
  • excellent customer support service.


Candid offers some of the highest quality products and services on the invisible braces market at the approximate cost of $2400.

Some advantages include:

  • among the highest quality products and services of any ‘at-home’ invisible aligner company,
  • only ‘at-home’ invisible aligner company offering remote monitoring support provided by a designated orthodontist,
  • tailored treatment plan developed by patients in collaboration with their assigned orthodontic professional.  


Byte has one of the most attractive value propositions on the invisible braces market, offering very high quality products and services at a competitive cost of $1895.

Some advantages include:

  • lifetime guaranteed realignments and aligner replacements with the Byte for Life Guarantee,
  • easy financing (no credit checks required),
  • comprehensive customer support, with customers being assigned a dedicated personal service advisor,
  • rapid, convenient treatment that only requires aligners to be worn for 10 hours per day.

Final Take

By taking a closer look at the available dental options, research may establish that there may be a plethora of invisible braces options in 2022. Good quality affordable brands such as AlignerCo, Candid, and Byte potentially allow for accessibility and convenience to individuals who may be seeking good quality and affordable options within the invisible braces market.

Paying attention to factors necessary to dental care, these companies have provided opportunities available in teledentistry within the braces industry, by providing alternative teeth straightening options in the form of innovative and attainable invisible braces.