How to use protein to reach your body goals

Many people exercise because they want to get in shape. Getting in shape can mean different things to different people. Some people may want to gain muscle mass and look for a defined and muscular body, while other people want to lose body fat and look more slender and thin. Regardless of one’s goal, nutrition plays a big part. Protein is a macronutrient that is required to keep the body in a positive nitrogen state. This positive nitrogen states means the body is anabolic. When the body is anabolic muscle growth, and recovery is taking place. The body is continuously going back and forth between anabolic condition and catabolic condition. The key is to maintain an anabolic state more than a catabolic one. Increasing dietary protein is a necessity to help increase muscle growth, stay lean, and maintain lower body fat.

How Much Protein

Dietary protein consumption is measured in grams. The government recommends that humans should consume about 60 grams of protein per day. But this number is based on basic human needs and not for physical athletic people or people wishing to increase muscle mass. Numerous research studies have determined that in order for a human to increase muscle mass, 2 grams of protein is needed for every kilo of body weight approximately. There are many protein calculators that one can find on the internet. One of the best ones is on the website This website’s protein calculator takes into consideration an abstract study that combined well over 40 studies researching protein intake. It also takes into account the use of anabolic steroids and select androgen receptor modulators (SARMs).

Timing Of Protein Consumption

After determining the amount of protein to consume per day, one must figure out how to consume the total grams of protein. For example, if the total grams of protein is 200 grams per day to increase muscle protein synthesis, this must be divided throughout the day. Research studies have proven, and nutrition experts agree that protein consumption throughout the day in frequent feeding is best to illicit a continual anabolic response. Therefore, 30 to 40 grams of protein per meal divided by several times per day is sufficient. One must also take into consideration protein intake pre or post-training or exercise. Consuming protein during these times is beneficial to help the body recover and repair damaged muscle.

Types Of Protein

The quality of protein is critical to help the body recover and maintain a positive nitrogen balance. The higher the quality protein, the better the chances are for a quicker recovery and an increase in muscle mass. Scientists, over the years, have been using different methods to determine protein quality. First, there was the PER, then biological value, then PDCAA, and now, the most updated is the digestible indispensable amino acid score or DIAA. Different types and sources of protein were analyzed, and milk protein is the highest quality protein. After milk protein is whey protein isolate, then whey protein concentrate, and then a whole egg. Vegan proteins are ranked lower than animal protein. Whey protein powders are easily found online to purchase. One should try to consume whey protein before or after exercise. Milk protein powder should be consumed during the day and pre-sleep.

In conclusion, the quality, amount, and timing of dietary protein consumption is important to recover from exercise and reach your body goals. Careful consideration must be used to maximize workouts and speed up recovery time. Choosing high-quality protein, consuming the proper grams, and timing must all be in sync to have success.