How this Google Algorithm will Affect your SEO
Wondered what are the latest Google algorithm update and how it will affect you? We’re about to cover that in-depth – here is what you should know:
A recent core update to Google’s search algorithm is probably the cause of the noticeable changes to your website’s traffic. All content on the internet is now more finely and thoroughly searched by Google and is ranked according to its quality and relevance.
Since Google exposure is probably important to your business, you will want to start appearing in Google searches again, even if it’s one place higher than your competitor. However, you will need to ensure that your content matches search queries so that your click-through rates can improve once again. Now is the time to improve your search engine optimization (SEO) game so you can once again overtake your competitors and increase your revenues.
Ranking comes at a price
Even if your SEO is excellent, it has become almost impossible to rank organically on the results of the first page these days. In the past, these pages showed the first 10 organic results and they appeared on an uncluttered page. Nowadays, the search engine result page (SERP) is usually made up of mostly ads and very few organic search results.
If you want to appear in SERPs, then you will have to pay by running an ad, otherwise, you will have to rely on those search engine users that ignore the ads and scroll down to organic results. You can still pursue a higher ranking by getting a snippet for common search queries.
Voice-based searches have increased
You will need to optimize your SEO strategy for online and web browsing voice-based searches. Siri and Alexa will need to find you easily from wherever your customers request a search, and your website will have to be close to the top results.
Top-quality content is still the best strategy
Google’s algorithms are more sophisticated and smarter, and they look for relevant high-quality content on websites over SEO optimized ones. You will need to work at developing the content on your website and it will take some time before you start seeing results.
How can your SME keep up with the ever-changing rules of SEO?
Small and medium enterprises (SME) owners have their hands full running their enterprises in an increasingly competitive market. Keeping up with the changes at Google is difficult because it requires that someone constantly reads upon them.
However, your business still requires SERP rankings and you cannot afford the penalty of not meeting their new criteria and the drop in business that comes with it. Well, then again, can you think of one business that is safe from penalties these days? Hardly any given the unpredictability of organic traffic as a channel. It is so volatile that startups try to imagine their business without it.
Final Scoop:
In 2020, the changes to SEO will require that you make changes so you can continue to see growth. You will need to raise your budget for paid results and continue to optimize as many aspects of your website as you can, especially its content and voice search. If you don’t have the time or knowledge to create your new strategy, then you will need to get an SEO expert to design it for you and watch your traffic increase once again. Note that there are some tactics, for example, submissions to directory listings, on-site content marketing etc. that will almost never go out of fashion. So be ready to take on board a wide range of tasks that can grow both referral traffic and organic search results.

Avi Ben Ezra is the CTO of SnatchBot