Home Remodeling Tips for Seniors

Remodeling your home at any age is a big decision. However, it is an even bigger deal when you are a senior and possibly retired. You’ve likely owned the home for many years and probably plan to live there for the rest of your life.

Like any home remodel, you are considering the possibilities and how you can enhance the home. Maybe you want to change the look of certain spaces or reimagine how they can be used. Along with that, you need to remember that you are an older person. Creating a home that is good for aging in place should be one of your top priorities.

But how do you plan a home remodel when you are older? This post will provide a few tips for seniors getting ready to plan a home remodel project.

Assess Your Budget

The first thing you need to do is look at your budget and see what you can afford. How much money do you have saved? What is your current income? Are you still working? You might also have various retirement accounts that could be good for financing some projects. You need to pull all your financial documents together and get an idea of what you can afford.

Keep in mind that you do not need to do all your remodeling at once. That is great if you can afford to do it all as one job. However, you could break the work up into smaller projects. For example, you could remodel your kitchen at one time and then do things like upgrade your bedroom or change your front door later.

Map it Out

You also need to create a plan for all the work you want to have done. Start thinking about the things you want and need from your home remodel. Projects to make your home good for aging in place should be on the list, but you can do more than that. Make a list of all the work you want done, and then try to divide the list by what you need and what would be nice to have. From there, order the items by priority. If you can’t afford to do it all at once, you can start with the most important projects and work your way down the list.

Consider Financing Options

Paying for everything with money you have saved is good, but you might also want to consider financing. That way, you can keep more of your savings in the bank. Options like a traditional bank loan or a home equity loan could work for financing a remodel. You could also consider credit cards. If you are over 62, you might want to consider a reverse mortgage.

How does a reverse mortgage work? In some ways, it is similar to a home equity loan. You’re essentially borrowing against the value you have built up in your home. Unlike a home equity loan, the borrower does not need to make monthly payments. The loan only needs to be paid if the owner moves, sells, or dies. However, there are different types of reverse mortgages, so you’ll need to do your research first.

Go for Open Space

Creating a more open floor plan can have many benefits. To start, it can help you create a more spacious home. Many people also like the style of homes with open floor plans. However, it will also be more beneficial for older people. It can get difficult to navigate tight spaces as you get older. A home that is more open can be easier for you get to around as you advance in age.

Create a More Efficient Home

Having a home that is more efficient should also be a concern for older people. If you have lived in the home for a while without upgrades, there is a good chance that your home could be much more efficient. Furthermore, it can help make your life more affordable after you retire. By reducing consumption, you can cut your utility bills.

There are many things you can do to increase efficiency. If you are remodeling your kitchen, switch to energy-efficient appliances. You can also upgrade your windows to ones that are better for heating and cooling. Replacing an old air conditioner, furnace or water heater could also make your home more efficient.

Focus on Kitchens and Bathrooms

When remodeling their homes, seniors should pay special attention to their bathrooms and kitchens. These areas can be difficult for some older people if they are not properly adapted. For example, you could lower cabinets and counters in your kitchen. Switching to a walk-in shower instead of a tub could also be helpful. Non-slip flooring could be a smart decision for both the kitchen and the bathroom.

Upgrade to Smart Technology

Home automation is becoming a popular trend in the homes of people of all ages. With that said it can be particularly beneficial for older people. Smart technology can make the home more convenient and easier to manage as you age. For example, smart locks could reduce the need for a physical key. You could also manage your thermostat and other features from an app on your phone.

It might also be worthwhile to consider a smart home security system. These smart systems can act as a platform for all your smart devices. They can also help you keep your home safe. Many of them also have features for supporting fire alarms and emergency alert buttons.

Make Your Home More Accessible

Another point is to make your home more accessible. You might be fine getting around now, but it might not be as easy in the future. See if you can widen the doorways for different rooms. Widening hallways is also a good idea. If there are steps to your front door, you might want to see if you can use the side entrance to get inside. You could also consider adding ramps. Switching to leaver doorknobs instead of turn doorknobs can also help.

Enhance Home Lighting

Upgrades to home lighting can be a good option for any home remodeling project. Many older homes have poor lighting. You’ll also find a lot of homes come with cheaper lights. Lighting can be even more important as you age. You might also not be able to see, so better lighting can prevent accidents.

Evaluate the lighting around your house. If there are dim areas, think of lighting upgrades that could help. Don’t forget to consider lighting upgrades outside the house as well. If you are already planning to use home automation, you might want to consider smart lights. Smart lights will be easier to manage. You can even set them to work with other devices. For example, you could program lights to come on when your security system detects the front door opening.

Remodeling can help you create a home that is safer and more convenient for you to grow old in. With the tips in this article, you can plan an effective age-in-place remodel.