George Clooney sets an example: Don’t settle – wait for the right one
It’s all over the news about how George Clooney got engaged. Everyone always thought he was going to be a lifelong bachelor, and somehow this unknown (a.k.a. “not famous”) woman happened to just finally lock him down.
I wonder if George reads any of the articles that have been written about him and laughs because they are so ridiculous. Why is a bachelor getting married headline news? Why is it news at all – wait, this blog isn’t about how my opinion of the media gets lower every day that they report breaking news that Taylor Swift went to Target. I need to get back on track. (Seriously though, one day that was a news article on Yahoo.)
If George Clooney waited until he met the right woman to get married, more power to him. Who cares that he has dated several high-profile actresses and that he is 52? Obviously none of those other relationships felt right to him, until this woman ( British lawyer Amal Alamuddin)- and by the way can I just say I love the fact that she isn’t famous – “tamed” him. Which by the way, is inaccurate. She didn’t tame him. They fell in love. Obviously if his goal was to marry the first woman who came his way then he would have done it already.

Not that I know GC personally of course. I just admire people who aren’t scared to wait for the things they really want. By the time I met Awesome I wasn’t “old” by any means – I had just turned 29 – but I was definitely feeling like maybe the person I was meant to be with wouldn’t be coming along any time soon. You know that old saying about how stuff happens when you least expect it? Cheesy maybe, but it was true for me. I was happy with my life – I lived on my own, supported myself, had a good job, had good family and friends. Sometimes I would get lonely – I was the only single girl in my group of friends – but I wasn’t going to let that stop me from living my life.
Awesome came along when I least expected it. And just like everyone always told me, I just knew he was the one. It was so easy to be with him. I don’t mean everything about it was easy. We still fight about whose turn it is to unload the dishwasher and who needs to do the next load of laundry. I mean it was easy in every other way possible. We connected on so many levels, and probably most importantly, we were on the exact same page about what we wanted in life and in a relationship. From the time we began dating, I never once doubted his feelings for me, or that he was the right one for me.
George Clooney didn’t let his bachelorhood bring him down. Instead he had fun dating a bunch of hotties until he finally found the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. I guess my point is, you have to have faith that something good is going to come your way. Do not settle!
Just pull a Clooney.

Emily Little (nee Campbell) was a perpetually single girl who recently met and married her Mr. Right. Her blog, Dating Emily, has been a two-year diary of her adventures in relationships. Her life of bar-hopping and casual dating has turned into one of dog-walking, craft-making and budgeting for eventual home ownership. But just because she can make a mean casserole doesn’t mean her adventures are over. As she prepares to become a first-time homeowner and eventually, a mom, she is discovering that the adventure may just be beginning.