General Assembly contests: Monthly update on filings, announcements

statehouse-in-sunThis monthly roundup covers Maryland election news in October and lists every candidate who has filed and most who have announced. Each district is listed by county and, in most cases, incumbents with their status. The districts reflect new district lines, which have placed some incumbents into a different district. If we have missed any candidates who have announced and have a website, but have not officially filed, please email [email protected].

Maryland General Assembly

District 1A: One delegate, Garrett and Allegany (Edwards filed; Beitzel filed) Sen. George Edwards filed for re-election Sept. 12.

District 1B: One delegate, Allegany (Kelly filed)

District 1C: One delegate, Allegany and Washington (Myers is retiring) Running: Republicans Michael McKay president of the Allegany County Commissioners and Hancock resident Ray Givens.

District 2: (Shank filed) Sen. Chris Shank filed for re-election Sept. 9.

District 2A: Two delegates, Washington (Parrott filed, Serafini filed)

District 2B: One delegate, Washington

District 3A: Two delegates, Frederick Retiring: Del. Patrick Hogan; Republican Chris Huckenpoehler filed Sept. 3.

District 3B: One delegate, Frederick Running for delegate: Republican Darren Wigfield.

Chris Huckenpoehler

Chris Huckenpoehler

District 4: Three delegates, Frederick, Carroll (Brinkley, Afzali, Hough; Schulz filed)

Running for delegate: Republican former Mount Airy town councilwoman Wendi Peters.

District 5: Three delegates, Carroll (Getty; Krebs filed; Ready filed, Elliott filed; Stocksdale )

Running for delegate: Republican County Commissioner Haven Shoemaker has filed, as has Joshua Stonko and Justin Ready.

District 6: Three delegates (two open seats), Baltimore County (Stone retiring, Minnick retiring; Olszewski filed for Senate, Weir)

Running for delegate: Republican Robin Grammer has announced he is running for delegate, as has Bob Long, who was the top Republican candidate in the 2010 General Election. Dan Liberatore, a Republican, has filed in the delegate race, as has Ric Metzgar, an Essex Republican.

Marcus Foreman, a Democrat, filed.

Jonathan Campbell filed Oct. 7 for delegate.

Eric Washington, a Democrat, filed Oct. 21 for delegate.

CMPNON_BannerAds_320x250Running for Senate: Johnny Ray Salling, a Republican.

District 7: Three delegates, Baltimore County and Harford (Jennings filed, Impallaria, McDonough; Szeliga filed.)

Running: Incumbent Del. Kathy Szeliga, a Republican, has filed, as has Democrat Norman Gifford, a Democrat, filed in June for the delegate seat.

District 8: Three delegates, Baltimore County (Klausmeier, Bromwell, Cluster filed) Running for delegate (one open seat): Republican Christian Miele.

Republican Del. John Cluster filed Oct. 16 with the Maryland Board of Elections.

Rob Santoni is thinking of running for delegate since he is closing his Santoni’s Market – claiming he was pushed out of business by the city’s bottle tax, reports Jeff Quinton in The Quinton Report.

Kyle Lorton

Kyle Lorton

District 9: Carroll, Howard (Kittleman runs for executive; Bates for Senate, Miller filed for reelection) Running: Del. Gail Bates, a West Friendship Republican, is seeking the open Senate seat and said she raised about $15,000 at a recent event, reports Amanda Yeager in a political notebook for The Baltimore Sun. Democrat Dan Medinger is running.

9A: Two delegates, Carroll, Howard (Miller filed)  Incumbent Del. Warren Miller has filed for delegate, as has Trent Kittleman in April, and former Republican congressional nominee Frank Mirabile filed for delegate in July; Eric Bouchat is also in the running.

James Ward Morrow, a Democrat, filed Oct. 16 and is the first Democrat to do so, reports Amenda Yeager for The Baltimore Sun.

Kyle Lorton, a Republican, filed Oct. 10 and is hoping to bring change and believes in term limits, reports Amanda Yeager for the Baltimore Sun. The Highland resident works as a sales director for W.R. Grace.

9B: One delegate, Howard

Republican Carol Loveless has announced and filed, Democrat Tom Coale announced in June. Republican Bob Flanagan, a former delegate and secretary of transportation, has announced.

Rich Corkran

Rich Corkran

Democrat Rich Corkran filed Oct. 1 for the delegate seat, and the Ellicott City man is running in order for voters to have a choice in the Democratic primary, reports Amanda Yeager for The Baltimore Sun. He is retired from a career as a math and computer science teacher.

District 10: Three delegates, Baltimore County (Kelley filed, Burns retiring, Jones, Nathan-Pulliam running for Senate in redrawn district 44) Sen. Delores Kelley filed for re-election in May. Stephanie Boston who ran against Kelley last time is running again. Much of the district is new. Running for delegate: Democrats Rob Johnson  and Frederick Strickland have filed.

District 11: Three delegates, Baltimore County (Zirkin; Cardin runs for AG, Morhaim, Stein) Democratic incumbents Sen. Robert Zirkin, Del. Dan Morhaim and Del. Dana Stein are running as a slate. Del. Jon Cardin is running for attorney general instead of seeking re-election.

Running for delegate: Democrat Don Engel is the only candidate who has filed.

District 12: Three delegates, Baltimore County and Howard (Kasemeyer filed; DeBoy, Malone, Bobo all three retiring) Sen. Ed Kasemeyer, a Democrat, filed for reelection in July. Democrats filed for delegate: Rebecca Dongarra, Brian Bailey, Terri Hill, Eric Ebersole, Clarence Lam, Renee McGuirk-Spence, Mike Gisriel


Nick Stewart with wife Katie, who were celebrating their anniversary at his announcement.

Nick Stewart with wife Katie, who were celebrating their anniversary at his announcement.

Lawyer Nick Stewart, who served briefly as a speech writer for Gov. Martin O’Malley, has entered the race and was introduced by departing Del. Jimmy Malone, reports Len Lazarick for Meanwhile, realtor Jim Hyatt has decided not to enter the race, Lazarick reported.

Democrat Adam Sachs filed for delegate Oct.3 and the public relations specialist will be focusing on health care for all, reports Amanda Yeager for the Howard County Times. He works for the American Nurses Association.

District 13: Three delegates, Howard (Robey retiring, Guzzone filed for Senate, Pendergrass filed, Turner filed)

Del. Guy Guzzone is seeking the open Senate seat.

Running for delegate: Columbia resident Fred Eiland, school board member Janet Siddiqui has announced she will seek a delegate seat, and has been included on the incumbents’ ticket, Republican Danny Eaton filed for delegate in April.

District 14: Three delegates, Montgomery Co. (Montgomery, Kaiser, Luedtke, Zucker all filed for re-election)

Running for delegate: Democrat John Paul Evans of Gaithersburg, along with the incumbents listed above.

District 15: Three delegates, Montgomery Co. (Feldman now a senator, Dumais filed, Miller filed)

House of Delegates Speaker Michael Busch, far left, swears in David Fraser-Hidalgo as a new member as Fraser-Hidalgo's wife and kids look on. Gov. Martin O'Malley appointed the new Montgomery County delegate to replace Brian Feldman who was named and sworn in as a state senator for District 15 last month. .

House of Delegates Speaker Michael Busch, far left, swears in David Fraser-Hidalgo as a new member as Fraser-Hidalgo’s wife and kids look on. Gov. Martin O’Malley appointed the new Montgomery County delegate to replace Brian Feldman who was named and sworn in as a state senator for District 15 last month. .

Gov. Martin O’Malley named David Fraser-Hidalgo as the new delegate in the open seat left by Brian Feldman’s appointment to the Senate, reports the Washington Post.

Former Del. Saqib Ali, a Democrat who formerly represented District 39 before re-districting, filed Sept. 13 for delegate. He had sought appointment to the seat. Sen. Brian Feldman filed Oct. 7 to be elected to the Senate seat to which he was recently appointed.

Del. Kathleen Dumais filed for re-election on Oct. 7.

 Former Del. Robin Ficker, 70, and his son Flynn Ficker, 31, have formed a “Fickers for District 15″ slate. Robin is seeking the senate seat; Flynn, delegate, reports Kate S. Alexander for The Gazette. They are Republicans.

District 16: Three delegates, Montgomery (Frosh and Frick running for AG, Lee filed for Senate, Kelly) Aspirations for higher office have produced an open Senate seat and two open delegate seats. All the candidates so far are Democrats. Bethesda resident Jordan Cooper has announced for delegate, as has Kevin Walling, former communications director for Equality Maryland, Marc Korman, a Democrat, is also running for delegate, as Hrant Jamgochian has filed for delegate. He also ran in 2010.

Former Del. Gareth Murray, a Democrat, filed Oct. 1 for delegate. Bethesda Magazine ran an article in Sept. talking about his political comeback.

District 17: Three delegates, Montgomery County (Forehand, Barve, Gilchrist, Simmons)

Sen. Jennie Forehand, a Democrat, has yet to officially make the call whether she will run again, reports Kate Alexander in The Gazette. Democrat Andrew Platt filed for delegate.

Senate President Mike Miller, fare left, addresses a fundraiser for Montgomery County Sen. Roger Manno. From left: Miller, Sen. Brian Rosh, Del. Ben Kramer, Manno, Sen. Nancy King.

Senate President Mike Miller, fare left, addresses a fundraiser for Montgomery County Sen. Roger Manno. From left: Miller, Sen. Brian Rosh, Del. Ben Kramer, Manno, Sen. Nancy King.

Democrat Laurie-Anne Sayles has announced for delegate, according to a Gazette story.

District 18: Three delegates, Montgomery (Madaleno filed, Carr, Guitierrez, Waldstreciher)

Del. Ana Sol Gutierrez is sending mixed signals about whether she will run, reports Louis Peck for Bethesda Magazine.

Democrat Al Carr filed for delegate Oct. 18.

Sen. Richard Madaleno filed for re-election Oct. 24.

District 19: Three delegates, Montgomery (Manno running, Arora retiring, Cullison running, Kramer running) Filed for delegate: Democrats Marice Morales, an aide to Sen. Roger Manno, Democrat Melodye Berry who had run in 2006. Sen. Roger Manno and Dels. Bonnie Cullison and Ben Kramer are running as a slate.

Del. Sam Arora announced Friday he would not be seeking re-election. The press release, carried in full by Maryland Juice, makes no mention of the pounding Arora was taking from Juice and other Maryland progressives for reneging on his promise to vote for same-sex marriage.

Ben Barnes

Ben Barnes

District 20: Three delegates, Montgomery (Raskin filed, Hixson filed, Hucker filed ; Mizeur is running for governor)

Incumbent Sen. Jamie Raskin filed for re-election on Oct. 4 as did Dels. Sheila Hixson and Tom Hucker.

Running for delegate: Democrat Justin Chappell, Silver Spring resident Will Smith, David Moon of Maryland Juice, and George Zokle, a Democrat.

District 21: Three delegates, Anne Arundel, Prince George’s (Rosapepe, Barnes filed, Frush, Pena-Melnyk)

Democratic Del. Ben Barnes became the first filed candidate on Oct. 28.

District 22: Three delegates, Prince George’s (Pinksy, Gaines, Healey, Washington) Rushern L. Baker IV filed for delegate. The son of the Prince George‘s County executive hopes to follow the family tradition of public service, Miranda Spivack reports in The Washington Post.

District 23: Prince George’s (Peters, 23A Vallentino-Smith, Hubbard; 23B Holmes filed, Vallario filed)

District 23A: One delegate, Prince George’s

District 23B: Two delegates, Prince George’s (Holmes, Vallario have both filed)

District 24: Three delegates, Prince George’s (Benson; Howard and Vaughn filed, Swain) Erek Barron, a Prince George‘s Democrat, filed for delegate Oct. 10.

Del. Melony Griffith addresses crowd at her kickoff event.

Del. Melony Griffith addresses crowd at her kickoff event.

District 25: Three delegates, Prince George’s (Currie, Braveboy, Davis, Griffith running for Senate) Filed for delegate: Democrat Tony Jones, who lives in Upper Marlboro.

Del. Melony Griffith announced her challenge against incumbent Sen. Ulysses Currie, as covered in Griffith’s kick-off event at a wing’s grill was attended by few public officials but by a lot of the African American women in the 45-60 age bracket that make up 60% or more of the Democratic primary voters in that district.

Democrat Stanley Onye filed Oct. 9 for delegate.

District 26: Three delegates, Prince George’s (Muse, Turner, Valderrama, Walker)

Del. Veronica Turner is to announce Monday that she is challenging Sen. Anthony Muse. Attorney Brian Woolfolk filed July 25 for Senate.

Filed for delegate: Democrats Vernon Holmes and Keith Gary, who filed Sept. 19.

An aide to Gov. Martin O’Malley is planning to run for the House of Delegates. The Washington Post’s John Wagner reports that David Sloan, special adviser in O’Malley’s office of intergovernmental affairs, is seeking to represent District 26.

District 27: Charles, Calvert (Miller)

District 27A: One delegate, Charles, Calvert (Proctor)

District 27B: One delegate, Calvert, Prince George’s

District 27C: One delegate, Calvert (Fisher)

Running for delegate: Former Del. Sue Kullen

District 28: Three delegates, Charles (Middleton, Jameson, Murphy, Wilson) Filed for delegate: Democrat Larry Green.

District 29: St. Mary’s, Calvert (Dyson)

Steve Waugh

Steve Waugh

Filed for Senate: Republican Steve Waugh, a Lusby resident.

District 29A: One delegate, St. Mary’s (Wood)

Bryan Barthelme, a Republican, filed for the delegate seat on Oct. 4. He announced his candidacy in a letter to the editor in The Chesapeake.

District 29B: One delegate, St. Mary’s (Bohanan) Filed: Retired Air Force officer Deb Rey, a Republican.

District 29C: One delegate, St. Mary’s, Calvert (O’Donnell)

District 30: Anne Arundel (Astle filed, Busch filed, George runs for governor, McMillan)

Running for Senate: Former Republican congressional candidate Eric Delano Knowles

Sen. John Astle filed for re-election Oct. 24.

Laurie Sears Deppa

Laurie Sears Deppa

District 30A: Two delegates, Anne Arundel (two delegates, Busch filed, McMillan)

Filed for delegate: Democrat Maria Triandos.

Incumbent Del. Mike Busch, a Democrat who is Speaker of the House of House delegates, filed on Oct. 23.

Democrat Laurie Sears Deppa filed for delegate on Oct. 24.

District 30B: One delegate, Anne Arundel

District 31: Anne Arundel (Simonaire, Dwyer, Kipke; Schuh runs for executive)

Filed for Senate: Democrat Anthony Scott Harman.

31A: One delegate, Anne Arundel

Announced for delegate: Republican Gus Kurtz and Democrat Ned Carey filed Sept. 3 for delegate.

31B: Two delegates, Anne Arundel

Filed for delegate: Democrat Stan Janor who ran for delegate in 2010.

Meagan Simonaire,a 24-year-old Republican and daughter of state Sen. Bryan Simonaire, announced for delegate, reports Zoe Read in the Maryland Gazette.

Del. Don Dwyer was sentenced to 60 days for drunk driving and boating charges, reports Kate Yoon for the Maryland Gazette. Dwyer has said he wants to seek another term, but has not filed.

District 32: Three delegates, Anne Arundel (DeGrange filed, Beidle filed, Love, Sophocleus filed)

Running for delegate: Republican Jesse Mayer, Republican Josh Kiracofe. Sen. Ed DeGrange and Dels. Pam Beidle and Ted Sophocleus filed for re-election as a team, but Del. Mary Ann Love was missing from their slate, reports Kate Yoon for the Capital-Gazette.

District 33: Three delegates, Anne Arundel (Reilly filed; Costa is retiring; McConkey, Vitale)

Republican Jeff Gauges filed for delegate in June. Sid Saab announced his candidacy, but did not file. Saab ran in 2010. Republican Nora Keenan also filed for delegate in May.

Mary-Dulany James

Mary-Dulany James

District 34: Harford (Jacobs is retiring, James running for Senate, Glass, Rudolph)

Filed for Senate: Republican Derek Howell, chairman of the Harford County Republican Central Committee and Bob Cassilly, a Republican.

Longtime Democratic Del. Mary-Dulany James is running for the Senate seat.

34A: Two delegates, Harford (two members, Glass, James):

Filed for delegate: Republican Mike Blizzard, Democrat Marla Posey-Moss

34B: One delegate, Harford (McComas filed)

District 35: Harford, Cecil (Glassman runs for executive, Norman runs for Senate, Stifler retiring)

Filed for Senate: Republicans Michael A. Dawson, a former Perryville commissioner, and Thomas J. Wilson, who filed Sept. 9. Del. Wayne Norman announced for Senate.

District 35A: One delegate, Cecil (Rudolph, Stifler retiring)

Del. Donna Stifler will not seek re-election due to health concerns, David Anderson reports in the Baltimore Sun. Stifler, a Republican completing her seventh year in the House of Delegates, said her ongoing battle with fibromyalgia prevented her from giving her constituents “vigorous and energetic representation.”

CMPNON_BannerAds_320x250District 35B: Two delegates, Harford, Cecil

Filed: Republicans Andrew Cassilly, and Teresa Reilly.

District 36: Three delegates, Cecil, Kent, Caroline, Queen Anne’s (Hershey, J. Jacobs filed, Smigielvacant)

Del. Stephen Hershey was sworn into the Senate Oct. 1, filling the seat left by Sen. E.J. Pipkin. J.D. Uhler filed for delegate in April.

Republican Jeff Ghrist filed Oct. 22 for the delegate seat. He is the vice president of the Caroline County Commission, reports Abby Andrews at

Six candidates are seeking the appointment to Hershey’s seat, reports Josh Bollinger in the Easton Star-Democrat. Those are: Steven J. Arentz, Al Helfenbein, Timothy McCluskey, Robert A. Thornton, Jr., John L. Walter, and Eric S. Wargotz, M.D. Arentz has the backing of three of the four central committees.

Sen. Richard Colburn

Sen. Richard Colburn

District 37: Dorchester, Talbot, Wicomico (Colburn filed)

Filed for Senate: Democrat Cheryl Everman and Republican incumbent Sen. Richard Colburn.

37A: One delegate (Cane filed), Wicomico County Councilwoman Sheree Sample-Hughes, a Democrat, is running for delegate. Del. Rudolph Cane, a Democrat, filed for reelection Aug. 21.

 District 37B: Two delegates, Talbot, Dorchester, Caroline, Wicomico (Colburn, Eckardt filed, Haddaway-Riccio runs for lieutenant governor)

Attorney Philip Cronan has announced for the open seat left by Haddaway-Riccio.

St. Michael’s resident Johnny Mautz, a Republican, is seeking Haddway-Riccio’s seat. He operates the Carpenter Street Saloon, which has raised several hundred thousand dollars for local firefighters and emergency responders through an annual auction, reports Josh Bollinger in the Easton Star-Democrat.

Christopher T. Adams, a Republican, filed for delegate Oct. 15. The president of Value Carpet One Floor and Home in Salisbury said he wants to better serve the needs of the business community, reports Josh Bollinger of the Star Democrat.

Incumbent Del. Addie Eckardt filed Oct. 30.

District 38: Somerset, Worcester (Mathias, Otto, McDermott filed for Senate)

Del. Mike McDermott, a Republican, filed Sept. 16 for District 38 Senate. The Worcester County Republican was drawn into the same delegate district as another Republican delegate, so he decided to challenge Democratic Sen. Jim Mathias reports

District 38A: One delegate Del. Charles James Otto filed July 16 to run in the new single-member District 38A.

District 38B: One delegate, Wicomico (Conway)

38C: One delegate, Worcester Filed: Democrat Mike Hindi and Republican Mary Beth Carozza.

District 39: Three delegates, Montgomery (King, Barkley, Reznik, Robinson all filed for reelection)

Filed for delegate: Republican Xiangfei Cheng,

District 40: Three delegates, Baltimore City (Pugh filed, Conaway, Robinson filed, Tarrant filed)

Running for delegate: Marvin “Doc” Cheatham, a longtime civil rights leader in Baltimore. Democrats Rob “Bobby” LaPin, a former Baltimore City teacher and U.S. Army veteran, Quianna Cooke. Del. Barbara Robinson, a Democrat.

District 41: Three delegates, Baltimore City (Gladden filed, Carter filed, Oaks, Rosenberg filed)

Filed for delegate: Michael Pearson and Joyce Smith

District 42: Baltimore County (Brochin, 42A Lafferty, new 42B, Aumann; Frank retiring, Boteler, Kach runs for council)

42A: One delegate, Baltimore County

Joe Boteler

Joe Boteler

42B: Two delegates, Baltimore County (Boteler filed) Del. Susan Aumann filed Aug. 21 for District 42B delegate. Running for delegate: Republican Chris West is running for delegate.

Del. Joseph C. Boteler III, a Republican, filed Oct. 16.

Republican Jesse Filamor filed for delegate Oct. 24.

District 43: Three delegates, Baltimore City (Conway filed, Anderson filed, McIntosh filed, Washington filed)

Filed for delegate: Del. Maggie McIntosh, a Democrat and Del. Mary Washington, a Democrat.

District 44: Baltimore City and County (Jones-Rodwell filed, Haynes, Mitchell, Stukes all filed for the same single-member district, 44A)

Del. Emmett Burns, now in the redrawn District 44 but formerly of District 10, is retiring. Sen. Verna Jones-Rodwell, a Democrat, filed for Senate Sept. 10, pitting her against Del. Shirley Nathan-Pulliam has filed for Senate. She is formerly of District 10.

44A: One delegate, Baltimore City (one member)

Three incumbent delegates have filed for what has been redrawn to a single-member district: Del. Keiffer J. Mitchell Jr. Del. Keith Haynes, a Baltimore Democrat, filed Aug. 28, Del. Melvin Stukes filed Sept. 18.

44B: Two delegates, Baltimore County (two open seats)

Filed for delegate: Rainier Harvey, Charles E. Sydnor, III, Woodlawn resident Aaron Barnett and Pat Young. More information is on Young’s campaign website.

Frederick Ware-Newsome, a Democrat, filed Oct. 2.

District 45: Three delegates, Baltimore City (McFadden filed, Branch, Glenn, Harper ) Running for delegate: Cory McCray and Larry O. Wardlow, a Republican.

A political consultant convicted in the 2010 Ehrlich robocalls case is seeking the Senate seat, reports WBAL. Julius Henson, 64, told the television station that he thinks he has a good chance of winning.

District 46: Three delegates, Baltimore City (Ferguson, Clippinger, Hammen, McHale)

Running for delegate: Civil rights lawyer Brooke Lierman, a Fells Point Democrat; Liam Davis, an aide to the City Council president, has joined the race. (Speculation is that Del. Brian McHale is retiring.)

Will Campos

Will Campos

District 47: Prince George’s (Ramirez, Ivey, Niemann running for council, Summers)

Del. Doyle Niemann sent out an e-mail telling supporters he will run for Prince George’s County Council, reports Maryland Juice. He has opted not to run in the new district, which splits 47 into two new districts.

District 47A: Two delegates,

Prince George’s Jimmy Tarlau, a Democrat, filed Oct. 17.

Diana Fennell, a Democrat, filed Oct. 30.

District 47B: One delegate, Prince George’s

Will Campos, a Democrat, filed Oct. 15. Campos is term-limited from continuing on the Prince George‘s County Council, the Gazette reported last April.