Florida Department of Children and Families: Consider yourself warned
Welcome to the Archangels of Justice: Exposing Public Corruption blog. We are two veteran investigators who currently are putting together a reality TV show that will be shocking to many of you who have put your trust in the system, law enforcement officers, courts, judges, prosecutors and public institutions. We are not afraid to expose anyone – no matter how high of a position they hold. If you have a case you want us to look at – give us a call. We take the cases that the Innocence Project rejects and we take the cases that everyone else is afraid to touch.
This week’s blog: The Florida Department Of Children and Families Is Now Being Placed On Notice
About a year ago, the Martin County (Florida) Sheriff’s Office terminated a decorated 17-year detective. She had been keeping a comprehensive diary of the daily acts of alleged wrongdoing being committed by representatives of the MCSO. The estranged father of their joint 3-year-old son (at the time) obtained a copy of that diary without her permission and gave it to the MCSO, which we believe turned out to be a major factor in her being fired.
She also has filed various complaints with the EEOC claiming discrimination, which has resulted in her receiving “Right to Sue” letters from the federal government. And, she has a lawsuit pending in federal court because she claimed deputies using the state databanks stalked her more than 300 times. There is absolutely no doubt that she is disliked by Martin County Sheriff William Snyder and those MCSO deputies who blindly follow his lead.
“Archangels” has received information that they have told people that the former deputy is not to be trusted.
The father of the child, who has substantial financial backing has filed a series of court actions and she says false complaints against her. The father also seems to be a friend of some people in the Sheriff’s Office, and the State Attorney and his underlings, and has in the past allowed them to hunt on his property. And, the family court judge who has continuously ruled against her despite overwhelming evidence appears to be the agent of various business entities that have business dealings with this man, she says.
During the past four months the child has alleged his father has bound him hand and foot with duct tape and handcuffs so that he couldn’t walk and had to both urinate and defecate in his pants. The child also demonstrated how his father used the handcuffs on his legs above the knees while his hands were taped. He has described to a private investigator, a Martin County DCF investigator, and his mother that his father had performed acts of masturbation on his penis. Additionally, he told his mother that acts of oral sex had been performed on him and by him with the father.
Further, he has described the acts of alleged child abuse to two DCF investigators, his teacher, the school headmaster, and the emergency room doctor and nurse. Many photographs containing graphic views of the related bruising have been collected by the mother and government officials. And, although the mother has filed repeated complaints no action has been taken by anyone to correct the situation. No forensic medical examination has ever been conducted by a child psychiatrist.
Very recently Palm Beach County (Florida) Sheriff’s Office Detective Lowell King wrote a 20-page report clearly spelling out the allegations and naming the witnesses to the child’s statements and physical bruising. In a telephone conversation a detective told the mother that he was submitting his report to the State Attorney.
For some unexplained reason the detective then wrote that he had determined that the complaints were “unfounded.” Some of King’s reports are published here in this blog – although portions have been redacted to protect the identity of the child.
To add insult to injury, on Feb. 25, 2014, Kimberly Wells, SER Program Director, of the (Florida) Department of Children and Families, sent the mother a letter indicating that she has been filing false allegations and quoting potential criminal penalties of 5 years imprisonment or a $5,000.00 fine that could be levied against her.
This blog is to notify the Florida DCF that if any more physical, or sexual, or abusive misconduct conduct is thrust upon the child specifically due to your improper, biased, and/or pathetic investigative work “Archangels” will do everything in our power to expose the facts to the public. We are keenly aware that in the past few years many children have died perhaps due to the DCF allegedly mishandling or ignoring the facts regarding their cases.
We are fully prepared to take action against you by exposing your agency to public scrutiny. That includes but is not limited to: internet communications, writing articles, advertising on billboards, radio and newspapers, public demonstrations, civil actions and criminal complaints in both state and federal courts and to federal agencies.
Since the federal government is responsible for at least a part of your funding a letter writing campaign could be very effective.
Consider yourself warned.

Ira B. Robins and Salvatore E. Rastrelli have decades of law enforcement experience, both worked as police officers and private investigators and consultants. Their cases have frequently have been on national television and they continue to work for those who don’t have a voice and are often a victim of a system that fails to protect the innocent.
Nice to see Ira still on the job!
Who are these yahoo’s?? DCF has information on abuse, a detective writes a 20 page report about the abuse and disclosures made…yet makes no arrest!! Then, the mother receives a letter with the THREAT of imprisonment and a fine?? The JUDGE ignores all this??? AND the father still has overnight visitation??? What’s next another dead child from the great investigator’s from DCF and now clearly PBSO?? Who is this father and what hold does he have on these people??? Clearly things they wish to never come to light!!!