Flashing the flesh – getting bikini ready!
Ready for a bikini?
When the sun shines, it basically means that I want to strip down to the bare minimum and sun bathe. And having worked hard on getting toned I wonder if I am yet at the point where I am totally bikini ready?
These are the weekend’s abs pictures:
But do I feel bikini ready?
No, I do not! Because there is always something wrong, something wobbling, something folding over, something lumpy, something bumpy etc etc 🙁
Must work harder, that’s what I think to myself.
And to top it off, I had a weekend of utter indulgence.

Look at that for a high calorie brunch and then a BBQ with wine and burgers and sausages……. It was lush though!
Today, though, I am on a two-day juicing program designed to cleanse me and set me on the right track. It’s all protein shakes and soups and juices by Speedloss. I think I will be able to handle it – I’ll let you know the results. I basically have to keep busy and not open the fridge.
There is loads of exercise on the agenda, as am rehearsing for RIPPED, taking Zumba class and doing a lovely evening Bootcamp afterwards, then a full Zumba and Zumba Toning and RIPPED day tomorrow.
What’s not to like about days like that – and with the sun shining (80 degrees Monday in Baltimore), it all seems pretty perfect!

Claire Bolden McGill is a British expat who lived in Maryland for three years and moved back to the UK in August 2015. Claire wrote about her life as a British expat on the East Coast and now works in travel and hospitality PR in the UK. She still finds time to blog about her repatriation and the reverse culture shock that ensued – and she still hasn’t finished that novel, but she’s working on it. You can contact Claire via twitter on @clairebmcgill or via her blog From America to England.