Counterfeits of Love
Words are lovers that never love;
Oblivious to the feelings they relate;
For they may seem real and “tried and true”
Yet only in conveying a counterfeit
In me and in you.
Words are lovers that words hold back,
The gatekeepers of freedom,
Enemy of passion,
Hater of too
Much Lust,
Desire, or
Any thought that is
Questionably undesired.
Words are a constricted construct
That conveys civil discourse
In spite of truth,
It’s no wonder why artists seek love
From an oft-void psychopathic troth.
Whose truth lies in the subjectivity
Of slathered-on lies
No matter how great the artist,
Artistic vision often dies
For meaning is felt in seeing
Because such love, fantasy,
Or whatever we achieve to see
Can never be
A syntax,
A code,
A signifier,
a handbook–
An ill-attempted imitation of me
And Thee,
Of destiny.
The opinions and analyses that Earl writes are his own and are not necessarily the positions or views of his employers, the agencies he supports, or that of his colleagues. Reach out with comments or questions.