Why Should Teachers Start Building a Leadership Mindset?
Going back to ancient history, the man started as an individual entity for survival. Despite thriving, they understood that without a sense of community and living together, it would not be long before they go extinct. So, many people of similar conditions and who spoke the same language formed a community for the collective benefit of everyone. As times changed, new problems emerged as opposing egos clashed, and they started quarreling and even killing each other. Again, the same sense of society reinvigorated, and they made pacts and laws to avoid the bloodshed, but who implemented these? They chose people of high stature and respect among themselves as leaders, and humanity has been valuing good leadership ever since.
As one would expect, the leaders not only kept everyone in check but also brought them together to achieve greatness over other groups of people. Owing to the coveted position of leading people, everyone competed to become a leader of their community, either using knowledge or money.
Though you can buy a leadership position through bribes, you can never acquire the knowledge and skill that it takes to become a good leader. Many monarchs understood the need to have this knowledge, and they hired men of virtue for not only their learning but also that of their offspring. Though everyone knows Aristotle for his philosophies and wisdom, he also mentored one of the most outstanding leaders the world knows; Alexander the Great. Aristotle taught him literature and expanded his genius, and the rest, as they say, is history. One should note that Aristotle learned things from his teacher Plato who, in turn, learned from his teacher Socrates. So, one can say that the baton of leadership passed along the generations.
In today’s world, teachers play the same role in mentoring future leaders by passing on valuable knowledge. Hence, this makes it essential for all the teachers to acquire the skills required to be a good leader. Many people in the education sector pursue Masters in Education Policy, so they equip themselves to teach the future generation. If you are still not sold, let’s discuss the need for leadership among the teachers with greater elaboration.
Foster a collaborative culture:
One central theme of leadership is giving the ability to all the members to rise above the individual interests and work for the collective good of the team. The teachers are no different as they ensure that students not only understand the importance of teamwork but also realize institutional goals. Teachers must involve students in group projects so they can complement each other’s strengths and reduce their weaknesses.
Teachers impart the adult learning principles in students that help them become problem-oriented, internally motivated, ready to learn, self-directed, and gain experience. A study concludes that these methods are much more useful for learning than others—all these skills aid in facing the practical life that requires leadership qualities to tackle problems. Collective responsibility bonds every member of the group to work.
Improve classroom instruction:
Psychologists attribute the attention span of students to many variables such as mood, motivation, relevance, among other factors. The onus of keeping the students interested in the lecture is upon teachers, and they must employ several methods. As knowledge and technology evolve, the modes of communication among the teachers and students rapidly differ from what they were about a decade ago.
Even the COVID19 gives us a lesson that online classrooms were unimaginable just a few years ago, but as they say, necessity is the mother of invention. Teachers must also understand that every group that joins their classroom is different from the other, and the same method would not necessarily apply to them.
Teachers must always be on their toes, continually learning, improving, and reflecting on the best classroom practices. That is what you would expect from a leader, let alone someone who mentors future leaders.
Take the initiative:
As a leader leads from the front, teachers who are leaders also lead by their example. For instance, if you expect punctuality from your students, you must adhere to the timings to inspire them. The same goes for sharing knowledge, tidbits, and any other information essential to the cognitive and in the future professional development of the students. Teachers who encourage honesty and truthfulness must first adopt these virtues so the students have a practical example they can follow.
Productively utilize data:
Institutions conduct tests periodically to assess the performance of the students, but leaders would evaluate their strengths and weaknesses too. This way, they can help the student improve instead of crumbling underneath the heap of low test scores. The point is not getting a result out of them but to engage them in the process, so they understand what the result means and work accordingly. Many factors, like work ethic, social economy, home life, and sometimes ethnicity, contribute to the results. Teachers who are leaders understand the truth that hides behind poor scores to comprehend which factor contributes the most. Modern times demand a very nuanced and forward-thinking approach to formulate a plan to help the students improve their scores.
Feedback from family:
The relationship between a student and a teacher is not independent of the environment. More often than not, the situation involves the family or other close sections of society. Besides, many stakeholders take responsibility for the student’s education, parents included. The community also plays a role in the upbringing of the kid, whether it is affluent or a destitute surround. A good teacher leader connects to them to develop a more compassionate approach for the psychological grooming of a student.
Developing leadership qualities among the teachers help them take ownership of their profession. Even though many things might not affect them but showing empathy with their fellow teachers in their distress helps them grow as a person and a professional. Such teachers understand the public policies and their immediate impact on their colleagues and advocate for policies that make the system better. In this way, do not only the teacher community benefit but also the students as teachers espouse student-centric doctrines? Through advocacy, teachers also connect with the rest of the community to develop consciousness among them.
Key Takeaways:
Teachers help shape the future of society by grooming budding brains. After parents, they are the role models for students, and having leadership qualities can only help transform the personalities of the students for the better. Leaders not only aid their subject in understanding the significance of teamwork but also work on their weaknesses and enhance their strengths. The exams are not just for seeing if the student can pass or fail but also assess their attributes and factors that contribute to the scores. Teachers with leadership traits also ensure that necessary feedback from the parents gets utilized for the betterment of the student. With so many advantages, one can think of no reasons why the teachers should not learn leadership skills and incorporate them into their work.