What to Keep in Your Car in Case of an Emergency
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Whether you’re completing your daily commute to work or heading out on a long road trip, it’s important to be ready for emergency situations. Being prepared will reduce your chances of ending up in a potentially dangerous or harmful situation. While it’s likely you already have a kit in your car for emergencies, it’s important to update it regularly and ensure you have everything you could possibly need to keep yourself safe in the event of a breakdown, accident, or other incident.
Emergency Items to Keep in the Truck
Simple maintenance issues that can leave you stranded and without help, like a dead battery or flat tire, are easily remedied when you have the proper tools. As such, you should always have jumper cables, a spare tire kit, and flags or flares with you. Depending on the weather, you could be stuck in the cold. That’s why it’s also a good idea to store blankets or a change of warm clothes in your car.
Because you won’t need these items on any sort of regular basis, you can safely store them in your trunk. This way, you’ll have them if you need them, but they won’t take up space inside of your car. You’ll also want to have a fully stocked first-aid kit, non-perishable food, and water stored in your trunk.
In the event you do find yourself in an emergency, like a breakdown in a snowstorm or a traffic collision, you’ll have the resources you need to handle the situation as much as you can. In the event of a crash, however, you could be facing more challenges than you can handle. At that time, you may want to consider getting in touch with a car accident lawyer.
Useful Items to Keep in the Glovebox
In some situations, you could be facing an emergency where you want to have access to the tools you need close by to solve your problem or decrease the urgency of your situation – like in the event of a minor fender-bender at night. That’s why it’s a good idea to keep a flashlight, notebook and pen, emergency contact information, and phone charger in your glove box. This way, if you need to contact someone, take down information, or see something in the dark, you’ll have what you need nearby.
Self-Defense Items to Keep in the Center Console
Not all emergencies are related to breakdowns and accidents. Unfortunately, a number of people are assaulted in their vehicles. That’s why it’s a good idea to have self-defense items as close to you as possible. While it’s not always convenient to keep those tools on your person, you can store them in the center console of your vehicle. You may want to consider having pepper spray, a self-defense keychain, a tactical pen, or a personal safety alarm. In the event of a carjacking or attempted assault, you’ll be more likely to ward off your attacker if you have access to those items.
Knowing what to keep in your car in case of an emergency, no matter the degree, and ensuring you have those items in your vehicle, will help you get home safely after an incident. Whether you’re driving close to home or traveling, it’s important to be prepared for anything.