What CBD enthusiasts should know right now
Interesting scoop on CBD potency, safety and certification and shopping ideas
Why are people looking for more potent CBD?
Most people who take CBD to treat serious neurological issues and pain will tell you that when taking ordinary tinctures, it works in the beginning, but later they become resistant as if they require a more potent dosage. According to The CBD online store, a company for which there is strong social proof and a string of good reviews on the web, there is a product that is more potent than most CBD tinctures, and that is their 900mg CBD capsules, manufactured by Elixinol. In each capsule, there is 15mg of pure CBD, with an additional 375mg of hemp. Given that it is absorbed into the digestive system, it clearly reaches different body parts that may be deprived of CBD that is absorbed orally. It is vitally important to check for product certification when purchasing CBD – and for these CBD capsules, Elixinol provided 3rdparty lab test results as seen here.
Why do 3rdparty lab test results matter?
Even if the end product is produced in America, the CBD isolate and hemp can come from different farms ranging from Colorado to China. Obviously “Made in the USA” really matters because industrial waste and direct contamination is the first concern. However, the second concern, even for homegrown products in America, is that farmers may have used pesticides to protect their crops. This is why a non-GMO certified label and 3rdparty lab test results are so important. Given that 70% of US hemp are imported from China there, consumers should do their homework. There is the risk now, that CBD is so in demand, that companies who face a supply shortage of high-quality isolate in the US, may turn to cheap Chinese imports.
There is also a risk, as we have seen, that pesticides and lead can be in CBD cannabidiol products where mass production did not take sufficient care: here is one example of an unfortunate incident, where NBC New York reported on an issue related to the CBDistillery brand. The owner of Envio Labs called the findings “concerning and alarming”. This Doctor suggested that CBD users should only buy high-quality non-GMO non-GMO-certified products.
What other CBD products are on the market right now?
Right now, the list might be too long.
Toothpicks containing CBD, gummies that are almost nicer than wine gums, pet food consumed by cats and dogs, anti-aging creams, topical creams to treat pain and inflammation (also psoriasis), various strengths of vape, a string of ZERO THC products, various flavors of CBD ranging from lemon to cinnamon and mint (brands like Elixinol and Kushly are leading the way with flavored tinctures) – and then there is so much more – even a CBD perfume. Consider exploring options like cat CBD oil for your furry friends’ wellness needs.
The key to selecting the right product is having guidance from your doctor and understanding product safety and certification, to pick something that will deliver the intended benefits. Regardless of whether you order online or buy in a store: remember that certification is the key.
So is CBD an alternative remedy, or mainstream?
With almost 6 million Americans already taking it, it is fair to say that after it became legal in the US, it is now becoming a mainstream trend. With so many Doctors coming forward to back it – and with more research taking place, it will hardly remain trapped in the area of alternative medicine. To many, it may be the future!
Other things worth knowing about CBD right now:
- A new beverage enhancer has been launched by PureKana – for CBD-infused drinks.
- New York granted CBD research authorization to Elixinol
- CBD Keto coffee creamers have been launched by Hempworx
- Bluebird Botanicals launched a “Hemp is legal” petition via Facebook.