Vitamin Research: Scientists Make Breakthrough with Vitamin B12

Scientists have recently made a breakthrough with Vitamin B12. Check out this vitamin research guide to learn all about it.

Currently, 48 Million Americans are B12 deficient.

But new, breakthrough vitamin research might be changing that.

See, vitamin B12 is commonly only found in animal proteins. Causing people in America and across the world who don’t eat a lot of meat, dairy, or poultry to be deficient.

But this new report has found a plant-based way to supplement B12 naturally.

This vitamin is one of the most important vitamins for the human body, as it plays a key role in many of our core functions.

Here’s what you need to know about vitamin B12 and the new research about it.

What is Vitamin B12? 

Vitamin B12 is connected to proteins found in animal byproducts. While some foods can be fortified with B12, most B12 is naturally found in meat and dairy.

This vitamin is highly important to the human body for a variety of essential functions.

Vitamin B12 is needed for red blood cells to form. It also plays a key role in how your neurological system operates and nerves communicate. It’s vital for DNA synthesis. It plays a key role in the creation and functions of many different hormones, proteins, and fats, that carry out bodily functions.

Complications of B12 Deficiency 

The average adult should be getting about 2.4 micrograms of vitamin B12 daily.

Identifying the symptoms of a B12 deficiency are tricky because many of the symptoms align with other health problems like depression and insomnia.

Common B12 deficiency symptoms include issues with balance and walking, anemia, general fatigue, cognitive problems, odd tingling feelings throughout appendages and an inflamed tongue.

If left undetected, a deficiency can lead to more severe brain functioning problems and autoimmune disorders. Infertility, cardiovascular disease, and stomach cancer have also been linked to vitamin B12 deficiencies.

To get formally diagnosed, a doctor will run a basic physical test to rule out any other possible health issues that are causing your symptoms. A blood test is also needed for proper diagnosis. Blood tests will show your current vitamin B12 levels and clearly show if you have a true deficiency or not. A doctor might also refer you to a specialist for further testing.

Who Is At Risk?  

Because vitamin B12 is connected to animal byproducts, vegans and vegetarians are one of the most at-risk groups for developing a deficiency. While those who partake in a plant-based diet can seek out foods fortified with B12, unless they’re taking a supplement, chances are they’re deficient.

Other at-risk groups include anyone with nutrient absorption issues, like celiac disease and aging individuals with less stomach acid in their bodies.

Also, people who have gone through weight-loss surgery are at-risk. According to Harvard Medical School, the operation can interfere with a person’s ability to absorb B12.

The New Vitamin Research

Researchers from the University of Kent discovered that the herb, garden cress can grow to be fortified with B12 naturally, based on the soil and surroundings it’s grown in.

This means that fortified forms of garden cress can help prevent vitamin B12 deficiency. The research published in the scientific journal Cell Chemical Biology shows that high amounts of B12 can be found in the herb’s leaves.

The scientists conducting this study are looking to using safe bacteria in the soil that grows garden cress, as the source for these plants to pull B12 from.

This breakthrough creates a potential new path for the future of taking supplements. It’s especially important, as more people turn to meat-free lifestyles.

The molecular processes that cause the absorption still need to be studied before this science can really be considered a viable, mainstream plant-based source of B12. Scientists need to learn more before any conclusions can be drawn.

What This Means for The Future of Plant-Based Foods

This study has the potential to revolutionize plant-based foods.

First, how many plants are able to absorb B12? Chances are, it isn’t just garden cress. If edible plants like lettuce, kale, and other vegetables can be fortified, how would this change the produce industry?

Getting nutrients, vitamins and minerals in their raw, natural forms (in food) is the best way for your body to absorb them.

While supplements work when they’re taken correctly, many people do not follow the instructions regarding fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins and minerals.

Fortified foods offer an optimal way to ingest B12.

The second question that arises from these findings, is that is B12 the only vitamin plants can be fortified with?

Could scientists potentially infuse fruits and vegetables to act as natural multi-vitamins?

Could we simply drink tea or eat an apple that has all of our daily needs?

This concept would revolutionize the health food industry in America. It would completely disrupt the supplements industry, and change the way we buy and eat fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin research like this could also be instrumental in making the essential minerals and vitamins accessible to nations battling mass-scale hunger nutritional issues.

Being able to grow potatoes fortified with every essential vitamin and nutrient in somewhere like Africa would make a massive impact on the health and survival of starving people.

This could also help bring healthier, more balanced diets to nations with high vegetarian populations, like India and Thailand.

An Overview of Vitamin B12

This new research signals an exciting potential for the future of health, wellness and the way we get nutrients!

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One thought on “Vitamin Research: Scientists Make Breakthrough with Vitamin B12

  • June 19, 2019 at 3:12 AM

    Great article to know more about vitamin B12. My uncle is suffering from chronic anaemia since one month. And since we all know that anaemia is biochemically the deficiency of iron and red blood cells in the body. For treatment purpose doctor has given vitamin B12 inhaler and also advised to take vitamin b12 rich foods. Since vitamin B12 has a vast effect on red blood cells I have also decided to take lots of vitamin B12 rich foods in my daily meal and for my family. Thus we can protect from vitamin b12 deficiency disorders which have been mentioned in this blog.

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