Top 5 degrees you could earn from Excelsior College

College is an important step in most people’s career lives. It’s an opportunity to further your education, become specialized in a certain field, and set yourself apart from other future job application candidates. Higher education can really help you in propelling yourself into your dream career.

However, college isn’t always accessible to everyone. For some, they have financial needs or families that depend on them to work or spend their days doing other things. A flexible education is needed in order to pursue higher goals. Enter online universities and degree-seeking programs. One of the best, regionally accredited online universities is Excelsior College. Here are the top five degrees you could pursue if you go to Excelsior.


A degree that many universities offer, business is a no-brainer for any online or flexible degree-seeking program. Business degrees are one of the most popular amongst degree-seeking students, with the National Center for Education Statistics stating that around 364,000 people pursue a business degree annually. They also are rather practical, as one can pursue a multitude of fields using a business degree: human resources, marketing, advertising, and even accounting. At Excelsior, they even offer business degrees concentrating in logistics management and general business, on top of the other fields listed previously. This means that there will be plenty of job opportunities and room for exploration once you graduate. With a logistics degree, you could even be moving on to work at a Brisbane data centre with your newfound knowledge.

Health Sciences

Though a rather general name for this field, Excelsior College offers many general health and wellness programs that would allow any professional the opportunity to learn and grow their bank of knowledge on the health industry. Not to mention, they offer multiple master’s programs in this area, as well, so professionals with bachelor’s degrees in health can continue to learn more and use their new degrees to earn promotions at work.

Liberal Arts

Another umbrella field, liberal arts is a field that can encompass things like art and art history to more technical fields like computer science. At Excelsior, you will be provided an opportunity to dip your toe in the area that best interests you, or forego a concentration and learn as much as you can from varying fields. Either way, you’ll be learning a vast amount of knowledge that’ll help you in the workplace to do better work and move up in your career.


A very popular field as well, nursing is a great option for anyone interested in making a difference in someone else’s life. Nursing, a rather noble profession, requires lots of rigorous schooling. Excelsior College provides the flexibility to learn these intense topics on your schedule and in your own time. You can even earn your master’s in nursing if you’d like, once you complete your undergraduate studies.

Criminal Justice

A rather unique degree option, this one is sometimes hard to find in online spaces. As our legal systems change over time, it’s important to offer degrees that update law enforcement professionals on the newest information regarding the industry. A bachelor’s or master’s in criminal justice would do just that.

Excelsior College has many different degree tracks and options you can pursue, all from the comfort of your own home and in your own time. There’s a reason working professionals flock to this online university, as it provides them the time and flexibility to pursue their education without sacrificing aspects of their work and personal lives. It’s a win-win, for sure. So, if you’re considering going back to school or never had the chance to go in the first place, consider Excelsior as your opportunity for reaching higher goals.

One thought on “Top 5 degrees you could earn from Excelsior College

  • April 19, 2019 at 11:31 AM

    I would ask myself “is this what I want to do in life first” whenever the uni is involved since it will be turned into a hustle before long. Great reed tho. Wanted to add that the health sciences are always in demand… everywhere.

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