Tips on How to Get Rid of Acne and Zits
Isn’t it annoying how pimples pop out just in time for that date you have been looking forward to for days? Or how about when you and your family are about to get together and have your photos taken for the holidays? ‘Just perfect timing!’ you’d tell yourself.
And the irony of it all is that no matter how fast you put on creams or medications for your zits, they seem like they won’t just leave you alone. It suddenly feels like an eternity that they have appeared on your face.
If you do not know how to treat your skin for your pimples, you shouldn’t be the one pricking or messing up with them. In truth, you do not have to use different products to get rid of your acne. According to skincare details from Renee Rouleau, everything depends on your skin type.
What are Acne and Zits?
Acne begins with oily secretions that clog the openings of hair follicles. If clogged pores are infected with bacteria, that’s when inflammation occurs.
People that are usually threatened with acne are adolescents; it’s like a curse – the part of adolescence that we all want to avoid. But did you know that while some youth outgrow it, there are still some cases where adults get acne? Both men and women can suffer from it, even as adults.
Zits, on the other hand, are pimples. It is a slang term for those inflamed bumps on our skin. If you have acne, you usually have zits or pimples as well, whereas you can have zits but not necessarily acne. Acne is a disease, while zits or pimples are one of the symptoms.
How to Get Rid of Acne or Zits
Although using ointments and other topicals could help, there are some things that you need to do so you can manage or prevent pimple. Take a look at the tips below:
1. Keep your face clean.
This is basic information. You always have to make sure that your face is clean. Wash your face regularly, but not too often since it strips off moisture. Whether or not you are living with acne, washing the impurities off your face is essential. Use warm water when possible, and avoid using regular soap because this can irritate your skin and inflame it all the more.
2. Moisturize
As mentioned above, you do not need to wash your face more than twice a day because it strips off the moisture. But with this in mind, make sure that you always use a moisturizer that minimizes skin peeling and dryness.
3. Use minimal make-up
Make-up is great. However, when you have acne or zits, try to use fewer products than what you usually wear to avoid any more breakouts. But if you still wear make–up, make sure that you wash it off before going to bed and try using organic or natural products.
4. Be careful with your hair products
If you can avoid using hair products, please do. The moment they touch your face, you could easily have blocked pores, and you want to avoid that. Using gentle shampoo and conditioner could help in making sure that your skin does not get irritated.
5. Keep your hands off your face
This one is pretty obvious. How do you expect to have a clean face when you’re using your dirty hands to clean it? DO NOT SPREAD bacteria from your hands to your face. Make it a habit to wash your hands or at least use hand sanitizers or alcohol.
6. Protect your face from the sun
With the current situation of our environment, do not expect to be exposing yourself from high heat or the sun itself. Its UV rays will worsen your redness and inflammation. Use sunscreen suggested by your derma to avoid possible inflammation or irritation.
7. Feed your skin
Eating healthy, exercising daily, and avoiding food or drinks that can trigger acne will definitely help your skin. That’s why it is recommended to avoid greasy foods and junk foods. Remember: If you take care of your insides, it will show on the outside.
8. Relax
Stress causes the skin to age, and no one wants that. If you are away from stress, there is a possible chance that your skin would improve. Take a break once in a while from your daily work. A few minutes of relaxation can boost your energy and will make you look good.
Simple, right? Getting rid of zits isn’t just about picking the right product that will suit your skin type. It also depends on how you take care of your skin. However, if you still can’t get rid of them, you need to consult a skincare specialist to get proper medication.