The Uniquely American Concern of Increasing Traffic Fatalities

In May of 2023, a group gathered on the National Mall, a place usually bustling with activity. But on this day, it is filled with a solemn gathering of a thousand people. They have come to pay tribute to Sarah Debbink Langenkamp, a victim of a tragic car accident. Sarah was struck by a vehicle while returning from her boys’ elementary school in Washington, D.C. Her story is a heartbreaking reminder of a growing problem that plagues not just the capital city, but the entire nation — the alarming rise in traffic fatalities in America.

Rising Traffic Fatalities in the United States

Traffic fatalities in the United States have taken an unfortunate turn, bucking the downward trend observed in most industrialized countries. Over the past decade, the nation has experienced an increase in road-related deaths. Even amidst a global pandemic when fewer people were traveling by car, mortality rates on American roads continued to climb. Preliminary data for 2021 reveals yet another surge in fatalities, prompting safety advocates and government officials to reflect on the high toll of mobility in America.

Understanding the Causes and Implications

While the reasons behind this distressing trend are multifaceted, the need for responsible driving is paramount. Drivers must take personal responsibility for their actions on the road, rather than solely relying on legislation to enforce safety,” says attorney Matthew Aulsbrook of Aulsbrook Car & Truck Wreck Lawyers. The disparity between reduced travel and increased fatalities begs the question of how Americans view their role in road safety.

Among the most vulnerable populations affected by rising traffic fatalities are cyclists, motorcyclists, and pedestrians. Startlingly, the government’s data reveals that these groups have borne the brunt of the growing crisis. The National Transportation Safety Board’s director, Ms. Homendy, laments that motor cars and roadways often take precedence over the safety of other road users. The consequences are tragic, as lives are needlessly lost.

Addressing the Problem Nationally

To tackle this issue head-on, it is essential to draw inspiration from successful international examples. Many developed countries have implemented effective measures to reduce traffic fatalities. They have lowered speed limits, invested in protected bike lanes, improved car design for pedestrian safety, and enhanced street infrastructure. In contrast, the United States has been slow to prioritize pedestrian safety, despite significant advancements in protecting vehicle occupants.

The American obsession with larger, more powerful cars has inadvertently made the roads deadlier. Over the past two decades, the size and weight of American vehicles have increased, posing a greater risk to all road users. Furthermore, certain states have forbidden localities from lowering speed limits, further exacerbating the problem.

Legislative Efforts and Future Prospects

While progress has been modest, recent legislative efforts have been made to address this growing concern. The previous year’s infrastructure bill included provisions for increased funding for bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. States are now mandated to assess “vulnerable road users” and allocate a portion of federal safety funding to reduce fatalities and injuries among these groups. This represents a step in the right direction, but more comprehensive and sustained efforts are necessary to reverse the current trajectory.

Changing the Narrative

Perhaps what is most critical in combating the uniquely American problem of increasing traffic fatalities is a change in mindset. Deaths reported by the State Department abroad rightly horrify us, yet the same level of urgency and concern should be directed toward the tragic roadside deaths occurring within our own communities.

As responsible citizens, we must prioritize the safety of all road users. By advocating for measures such as side under ride protection on vehicles and bike lanes to encourage responsible driving, we can work together to create safer streets for everyone.


The rise in traffic fatalities in America is a deeply concerning issue that demands immediate attention. By acknowledging the causes, understanding the implications, and drawing inspiration from successful strategies employed in other nations, we can work towards reversing this alarming trend. It is crucial that we, as a nation, prioritize road safety and take decisive action to protect the lives of all those who share our roads. Let us strive for a future where traffic fatalities are no longer a uniquely American concern, but a problem overcome by a united effort for safer roads nationwide.