The Effect Of Weather On The Internet Speed

During a stormy day, it is common for internet users to suffer from either internet disconnection or a low internet speed. In other words, you can blame the weather for a bad internet connection during lousy weather. Weather can impact the internet speed by causing physical damage to the network infrastructure. Furthermore, it can create wireless signal interference. Therefore, internet connections are vulnerable to bad weather. 

The Effect Of Rain On Internet Connection 

Internet connections are much more complicated than the simple connection of the router and cable that we see in our homes. In fact, there is a complex web of cables and connections between the entire area to ensure that you receive your internet connection. From traditional copper wiring to modern fiber optic and wireless connection, all can face the impact of rainy weather. You can verify the same by conducting a Speed Test of your internet connection during rainy weather. 

Rain usually contributes to poor internet connection by causing physical damage to the cable. It is particularly true if the telecommunication networks have their foundation in old infrastructure. Also, rain can cause flooding, resulting in high moisture below the ground. Therefore, it can impact the underground cables and connectors. 

High Internet Traffic 

In bad weather, most people are stuck inside their homes. In such a scenario, the blame for the poor internet speed goes to the high traffic volume. You can use AT&T to check how the internet speed slows down for a particular device when the number of Wi-Fi users increases. The same logic is valid during bad weather when people stuck at home often use the internet for recreational purposes like streaming, gaming and surfing. 

The Effect Of Snow, Ice And Heat On The Internet 

Cold weather that results in snow and ice can create problems for wireless internet users. It is because snow and ice often build up on the antennal. A satellite dish that powers the satellite internet connection is prone to snow and ice as it can catch a large amount of it. However, this problem can easily be fixed by either clearing the snow or covering the satellite dish. 

Similarly, extreme heat can also impact the internet connection. It is a known fact that even devices like laptops or routers need to be operated at a cool temperature to ensure they work efficiently. The heat impact can be taken care of by indoor internet equipment. However, providing the same protection to outdoor devices takes a lot of work. Until and unless the temperature is extreme, the temperature has minimal effect on the internet speed. 

The Do’s And Don’ts Of Weather Affected Internet Connection 

If you are facing an internet problem because of bad weather, you can look for a quick fix by resetting your router. Unplug the router and wait for some time before plugging it in. Furthermore, you can reduce the physical distance between the router and the device where you are using the internet by moving closer to the router. It will increase the internet speed for sure. Also, remember to check whether the internet connection issue is occurring in one device or all the devices. If the issue is with a single device, then chances are high that the problem is with your device and not the internet connection. 

Also, if you cannot fix the internet connection from inside your home, do not go out in bad weather to fix the problem yourself. Instead, give your Internet Service Provider a call and explain the situation to them. A technician will then fix the problem for you. You should again call a technician if you see any other external problem like a fallen power line or debris in the satellite dish. 

It is essential to remember that not all internet connections are equally affected by bad weather. The chances of satellite internet connections going wayward are the highest. It is because precipitation, extreme heat, snow buildup, high winds and sun transit can affect the satellite internet connection. On the other hand, connections like 4G, 5G and fixed wireless are only affected by rain. Furthermore, there can be issues with Wi-FI connection because of extreme heat only. Lastly, outages or physical damage to infrastructure can impact the internet connection that relies on DSL, fiber and cable.