The Baltimore County Office of Minority, Women, and Small Business Programs Invites You to Attend a: Virtual Procurement Briefing & Certification Training

Baltimore County Executive John A. Olszewski, Jr. cordially invites the Baltimore County Business Community to a briefing on the disparity study the County recently completed for its M/WBE Program.

The briefing will be held Wednesday, July 28, 2021 from 11 am to 3 pm on a remote platform. Please use this link to register: For more information, please email:

The study examined the contracts the County awarded to willing M/WBEs. The County Executive will make opening remarks and Mason Tillman Associates, the consultant who completed the study, will present the findings from the disparity study. The County will also provide information on the enhancements to the M/WBE Program based on the disparity study findings.

M/WBE certification workshops will also be facilitated by representatives from the city of Baltimore and the state of Maryland.

Please register to attend this important event!