Missing the Point:  The Integrity of a Major Campaign Theme

This isn’t about who’s going to win.  Mr. Moore is going to win.  He’s the Democrat candidate running in a state where his party outnumbers the opposition by two to one.  He’s intelligent, well-spoken and naturally charismatic.  For most of us, it’s an easy call.  Not even our current, Republican Governor is willing to endorse his own party’s candidate. 

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Marilyn Mosby did not lose the Election because of Racism

Recently, a local media outlet published an editorial claiming that Marilyn Mosby lost the primary election due to racism. Claiming Mosby lost due to her skin color undermines the democratic process and more importantly, it discounts the voters of Baltimore, most of whom are Black. The fact that a Black man, Ivan Bates, won the three-way primary further discredits the idea that race was a factor.

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