Some state workers doubled their salaries into six-figures with overtime

By Meg Tully

[email protected]

Clifton T. Perkins Hospital CenterSome Maryland state government workers more than doubled their salaries with overtime payments in 2012, and more than 3,300 topped $10,000 in overtime payments. analyzed overtime payments in a database from the Maryland Comptroller’s Office as part of its third annual state government salaries series.

Government workers who got paid overtime had total earnings of up to $160,000 annually, though only 212 out of tens of thousands of employees making overtime made more than $100,000 total from the state. That is about 4% of the 5,663 employees who earned $100,000 or more in 2012.

Here is the list of the 212 employees whose overtime put them over $100,000 a year.