Sheila Dixon’s ‘last hurrah’ as she calls for voters to write her in the ballot
One of my fave political movies, starring Spencer Tracy, was the 1968 classic, “The Last Hurrah.” It was directed by another Hollywood legend, John Ford.
In the film, Tracy, ( veteran Mayor Frank Skeffington), makes a determined effort to stay in political power. But, the tide had changed in the New England City (think Boston), and the Establishment, along with its controlled media, were strongly pitted against him. Skeffington, despite a valiant effort, goes down to defeat fighting.
When Sheila Dixon, filed papers this morning, October 11, 2016, at the Board of Election Supervisors, (BES), as a write-in candidate for Mayor, “The Last Hurrah” movie flashed in front of me.
Backstory: In 2007, Dixon, a Democrat, became the first woman elected as Mayor of Baltimore. In 2010, her days in office were sadly cut short as a result of her Alford plea to a charge of perjury in a state court proceeding. The charges stemmed from allegations that took Christmas gift cards meant to go for disadvantaged children and bought X box and games for her children. She had a number of significant accomplishment to her credit, however, including seeing homicide rates hit a low “not seen in nearly three decades.”
Her bid for the office of mayor this year fell short in the controversial Democratic Primary. Dixon finished with 46,301 votes. The winning candidate, the popular State Senator, Catherine Pugh, came out on top with 48,709 votes.
Dixon with Supporters
Dixon is a likable person, with an outgoing personality. She had a sizable group of her supporters with her today at the press conference that was held outside the office of the BES. Dixon also has a strong support staff led by her top aide, Hassan Giordano.
Pulling off an upset victory, via a write-in candidacy, in the General Election, is no small order. Dixon, with only less than a month to go till the Tuesday, Nov. 8th election, has her work cut out for her. Stay tuned.
Ex-Mayor Sheila Dixon’s “The Last Hurrah” from Bill Hughes on Vimeo.

Bill Hughes is an attorney, author, actor and photographer. His latest book is “Byline Baltimore.” It can be found at: