Senator Barbara Mikulski pushing for war with Syria prompts Baltimore protest
Peace activists staged a protest Saturday at Broadway and Baltimore Streets, in the Fell’s Point in Baltimore. It was directed at U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski, (D) chair of the Senate Appropriatons Committee. Despite openly conceding that the majority of Marylanders are against any U.S. intervention in Syria’s bloody Civil War, she declared that she will vote for military strikes against Assad’s government.
Meanwhile, the U.S. is currently arming the opposition in that lethal conflict, which includes factions loyal to al-Qadeda. Go figure.
Mikulski’s pro-war antics, of course, please the Military-Industrial Complex and the pro-war zealots in the U.S. media. After assembling, the activists, with their antiwar banners and posters flying, marched down Broadway to Thames Street to pay a visit to one of Mikulski’s branch offices. It appears that no one in her office showed up for work Saturday. To learn more about this controversy, check out the Facebook page.

Speaking on this video in strong disapproval to Mikulski’s bellicose intentions are Dr. Margaret Flowers, Kevin Zeese, Bill Harvey and Max Obuszewski.

Bill Hughes is an attorney, author, actor and photographer. His latest book is “Byline Baltimore.” It can be found at: