Robert Kennedy Jr.: Setting His Own Course, Just Like His Father
Since Robert F. Kennedy Jr. decided to support Donald Trump’s race to the White House, he has come under loud and aggressive attacks from the political left and his own family.
Apparently, Mr. Kennedy’s decision has caused some bad feelings amongst many within the Democrat Party and put some in the Kennedy clan in an embarrassing position. Robert Kennedy Jr. is a trailblazer just like his father. He is an environmental lawyer, author, and activist for equality, yet he has been spurned by some of his siblings for making his own way, especially in his recent decision to support the presidential candidacy of the Republican nominee, Donald Trump. The criticism of RFK Jr. from family and friends is unjustified. Kennedy should be allowed to set his own course, just like his father.
Mr. Kennedy’s sister Kathleen Kennedy Townsend and other family members have had unflattering things to say about him. Kathleen and family say: “Our brother Bobby’s decision to endorse Trump today is a betrayal of the values that our father and our family hold most dear. It is a sad ending to a sad story.”
The big sister ran for governor of Maryland and had a hard time getting the support of Maryland voters…even black voters, who have historically been strong supporters of the Kennedy political dynasty. Robert Ehrlich who ran against Kennedy for the Republican party successfully portrayed Kathleen Kennedy as inexperienced. Many observers also stated that she had a charisma deficit and lacked any of the Kennedy charm. She lost to Ehrlich making him the first Republican Governor since Spiro Agnew.
One of Kennedy’s other sisters, Kerry, has also been critical of her brother’s decision to support Donald Trump’s run for the White House. She stated: She is “disgusted” by her brother Robert F Kennedy Jr’s “obscene” backing of Donald Trump. She sees his actions as some type of betrayal of their father’s memory.
I was 3 years old when Robert F. Kennedy was killed. Maybe I’m getting old and my memory is failing me. However, based on newsreels and interviews I’ve seen over the years of Bobby Kennedy, I got the distinct impression that he was a man of rugged individualism. Wasn’t it Bobby Kennedy who confronted the White segregationists of the American North and South? Wasn’t it Bobby Kennedy the US Senator and Attorney General who supposedly faced off against the power-hungry FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover?
So why is it that the Democrats, the liberal media, and some in the Kennedy family seem so embarrassed and disappointed at the courage and rugged individualism of Robert Kennedy Jr.? Why are Robert Kennedy Jr.’s critics surprised that he would do what is best for the country…just like his father?
When we talk about Robert Kennedy Jr. embarrassing the Kennedy family and the Democrat Party, let’s be honest. If President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert F. Kennedy were alive today, neither would recognize the Democrat Party as the same party of their time. Historical records show that both John and Robert were men of law and order. They were men who believed in strong foreign policy, and social programs that gave a hand up, not a handout.
So now we have Robert Kennedy’s son, his namesake, who has always charted his own course. While some criticize Robert Jr. for being outspoken in his support of Donald Trump, hasn’t he always been outspoken? As one example, for years he has spoken out about the harm that vaccines can do. Although his critics ignore the medical data, there is plenty of empirical data to support Kennedy’s criticism of vaccines rushed into production just to make money for pharmaceutical companies and the healthcare industry. His warnings about unsafe vaccines have probably saved millions of lives and put pressure on the government to require more rigorous, longer, and better testing of vaccines. As a lawyer, and a lifelong Independent thinker and voter, like many, I am grateful for his advocacy.
When I look at the Kennedy clan, notwithstanding weird stories about RFK Jr. and whales and bears, I don’t think he could ever be the black sheep in the Kennedy family. Let’s see, we have had allegations of Kennedys accused of rape, homicide, drug overdosing, negligent driving that led to death and paralysis, driving under the influence of prescription drugs and crashing a vehicle, etc. Yet, Robert Kennedy Jr. is supposed to be an embarrassment to the Kennedy legacy because he supports Donald Trump? That defies logic and just common sense. Essentially, it sounds like what some Kennedy family members are saying is that we can support family members accused of murder and rape, but not a family member who supports a Republican candidate for the U.S. Presidency. I think that viewpoint says more about the modern-day Kennedy family than it could ever say about Robert Kennedy Jr.
Perhaps the criticisms of Robert Kennedy Jr. aren’t really about the political left feeling betrayed or the embarrassment of the Kennedy clan. Perhaps the real cause of panic that we are seeing in the political and media establishments, are due to uncertainty.
That is, no one really knows what the alliance between Robert Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump will lead to. As an independent voter, I believe Kennedy helps Trump, but not a lot. Many Independents were going to vote for Trump anyway. Other voters, unimpressed by the Harris-Biden record and the policies or lack thereof of the Harris-Walz ticket, were going to stick with Kennedy even if it was unlikely he could win. So, the Trump-Kennedy alliance basically means that Independents won’t waste a vote on Kennedy.
As far as being an embarrassment to the memory of Robert Kennedy, no, Robert Kennedy Jr. is not an embarrassment to his father’s legacy. I believe that while his father might not agree with his decision to support Donald Trump, he would be very proud of the fact that his son has set his own course and stood up to the opposition of the political establishment as well as his own family, just like Robert Kennedy did so many years ago.

Andrellos Mitchell is a multifaceted individual with an impressive array of roles and accomplishments. Although he was raised in Washington, D.C. and Maryland, Mr. Mitchell proudly hails from Louisiana. His educational background includes degrees in Social Work, Education, and Law.
He is a practicing Washington, D.C. attorney with a general law practice that focuses on complex civil litigation such as fraud. Furthermore, Mr. Mitchell is a former Fraud Examiner for the District of Columbia Department of Insurance, Securities & Banking (DISB). He handles federal cases in Maryland and before federal government agencies across the United States. He is also a former D.C. and Maryland social worker. His social work experience includes mental health, alcohol and drug abuse, and family issues. Mitchell is a lifelong Independent voter. He is also a freelance writer and journalist. He provides commentary, analysis, and opinion for various media outlets. He is a staunch advocate for Freedom of Speech, the Second Amendment, and other constitutional law issues.