Professional Decluttering and Packing Services Melbourne
Decluttering is a headache for many people. You might have tried decluttering before but got discouraged and overwhelmed.
Yes, decluttering is not for everyone. However, it has many positive impacts on your well-being that you cannot ignore. So, why not consider a professional decluttering service?
Why Do You Need a Professional Decluttering Service?

Decluttering services are essentially the last resort. Countless people gave up on decluttering halfway through. So, don’t be ashamed if you cannot finish it.
Some common reasons why people stop decluttering are;
- No free time to declutter
- They got overwhelmed by the amount of clutter
- Inability to part with their stuff
- Limited space to store excess items
You might feel the same way about decluttering. Once you get to this point, you will have lost all motivation to start.
However, your house will be cramped if you don’t declutter. A cramped house will hinder your productivity and increase your stress level.
So, hiring a professional decluttering service is the best solution to your predicament. You will get top-notch results and the best packing service, guaranteed.
Let’s see how you can benefit from it.
Benefits of a Professional Decluttering Service
1. Decluttered by Professional Removalists
Hiring a decluttering service means getting a team of professionals to handle all your clutter. These professionals are accredited removalists with years of experience under their belt.
With their expertise, they can rearrange your stuff to make your house feel roomier.
2. No Sentimental Connection to Your Things

Many people stop decluttering because they can’t decide what things to throw away. Professional declutterers have no such qualms.
They will assess your house and categorise your things into three piles. There will be a ‘keep’ pile, a ‘donate’ pile, and a ‘store’ pile.
The ‘keep’ pile will be the things you use daily. Your things in the ‘keep’ pile will be placed strategically around the house to create more room.
Other things you don’t use anymore will be put in the ‘donate’ pile. You can either donate or throw them away.
The last category, the ‘store’ pile, is composed of things you want to use in the future. Those things include Christmas decorations, winter coats, and other seasonal items.
With all the unwanted and seasonal things out of the way, your house will immediately feel bigger.
3. Fast and Efficient

Professional declutterers work with a target in mind. After your book a session, they will come to your premises as soon as they can. Once they arrive, they will begin assessing your belongings.
Then, your stuff will be thoroughly cataloged and categorized. It will only take around one and a half days to declutter a whole house and donate/throw away unwanted items.
4. Packing Services Included

After the decluttering process is done, you will have a pile of things to store. These things would be the seasonal items you occasionally use, like Christmas decorations.
You don’t need them for everyday use, but you still want to keep them. So, the best thing is to store them away from your house.
However, those things need to be packed correctly to prevent damage. Fortunately, professional declutterers are expert packers, as well.
Your fragile items will be wrapped in bubble wrap and packing papers. Non-fragile things will be sealed into moving boxes to prevent them from bumping into each other.
Once they are all packed, they are ready for storage.
5. Cheap Packing Materials

The declutterers will need a lot of packing materials to securely pack your belongings. These materials include;
- Bubble wrap
- Packing papers
- Moving boxes
- Furniture blankets
- Tie-downs
All these materials can be quite expensive if you buy them from retailers. However, decluttering companies usually sell them cheaply.
For example, moving boxes. The standard price for moving boxes in Melbourne is $4. With the right company, you can get the same quality for only $2.5.
If you use ten boxes or more, you can save some money. Furthermore, all furniture blankets and tie-downs are provided for free. This way, there’s no need to pay extra for packing materials.
So, why stress about decluttering when you can call professionals to do it?
Decluttering can be overwhelming and many have given up doing it. However, there are professional declutterers who can help you do it.
They will catalogue and categorise your things into piles. There will be a ‘keep’ pile for everyday items, a ‘donate’ pile for unwanted items, and a ‘store’ pile for seasonal items.
After categorising, the declutterers will dispose of all your unwanted things. Then, they will pack seasonal items, and arrange a storage space.
This way, you can enjoy the benefits of decluttering without extra stress!