Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany: Inspiration for Disneyland
Mad King Ludwig’s Neuschwanstein Castle, known as the “Fairytale Castle”, was the main influence for Disneyland’s Sleeping Beauty Castle. Walt Disney just loved it, and it’s easy to see why.
The Marien Brücke (Mary’s Bridge) was closed when we were there, which is why I didn’t get any of the “traditional” shots. However, we did take a shortcut and duck under the off-limits construction gates, in true Leonard Kinsey fashion.

Leonard Kinsey is the owner of Bamboo Forest Publishing, and the bestselling author of “The Dark Side of Disney”, the Anarchist Cookbook of Disney travel guides. He has lived in Baltimore for over 15 years, and enjoys drinking craft beer in unique places, eating nachos and pizza, listening to 80s hair metal, and arguing about Star Trek minutia, often all at the same time. Watch out ladies!
Leonard Kinsey does a sad, angry, very negative narrative of the Neuschwanstein Castle. He comes across as the uneducated, self-centered egotistical Angry American. Why? Well it is a good bet that he comes across like that in the video because he is and uneducated, egotistical, self-centered, angry American. Not a good representation for those of us who educate ourselves about and explorer other cultures to enhance our knowledge and learn about other cultures. Unless you like watching angry, self-centered people deride others don’t waste your time.