Maryland ranks near bottom nationally in UFO sightings

Free State averages about 25 reported UFO sightings for every 100,000 residents.

UFO sightings across the United States continue to rise, nearly doubling in 2019, according to Tim Tincher, Research Staff at

Tincher said the analysts at used data from the National UFO Reporting Center and the US Census to find out which states have reported the most UFO sightings per capita in the nation.

“Interestingly, the top five states in the report were all situated in the northern part of our country while the bottom five were in the south. This might suggest a stronger belief in extraterrestrial existence among residents in the northern part of the US,” said Tincher.

Maryland, with an average of just 24.59 reported sightings for every 100,000 residents, ranked 44 on the list. Delaware and Pennsylvania placed in the middle of the pack with 32.67 and 30.35 sightings respectively per 100,000 residents.  Virginia stands just ahead of Maryland on the list with  25.24 sightings per 100,000 residents.

States with the most sightings: 
1. Washington
2. Montana
3. Vermont
4. Alaska
5. Maine

States with the fewest sightings: 
50. Texas
49. Louisiana
48. Georgia
47. Mississippi
46. Alabama

You can find out where your state stacks up here:

UFO sightings map courtesy

One thought on “Maryland ranks near bottom nationally in UFO sightings

  • March 1, 2020 at 1:54 AM

    This article is about raw reports, nearly all of which can be identified as something prosaic. The statistics would be more interesting on competently investigated reports, but nationwide, these aren’t available, because the organization that gets the most reports, MUFON, doesn’t share their data.

    We’re a rigorously ethical and scientific-minded Maryland based organization that is available to investigate UFO reports. Please contact us if you have information about a recent report. We DO make our investigation reports public, after we expunge any personally identifying information about the witnesses:

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