Lights of 34th Street in Hampden
You know it’s getting close to celebrating a joy-filled Christmas when the display of lights goes up on the 700 block of 34th Street in Hampden. The block is located just south of “The Avenue,” off of Chestnut (to the west), and Keswick (to the east).
This all takes place in one of Baltimore’s favorite neighborhood, Hampden. And, it’s becoming a bigger tourist attraction every year, plus a boon to local restaurants and ice cream stores.
The celebration of bright lights’ history can be traced way back to 1947, according to one source. The displays on the front yards vary from Santa Clauses of all types (the kids just love them) to Christmas trees.
There are Santa’s helpers, an Ode to Natty Boh, angels, movies/tv shows made in Maryland; nativity scenes, reindeers, and one home owner — this was my favorite — has made a Christmas tree out of a huge pile of shiny hubcaps and bicycle wheels.
Another neighbor puts out her “Peace” emblems, which I think is always timely, no matter the season of the year. They were all, and more, part of the colorful mix on 34th Street this year.
My wife Ann and I took in the festivities on Thursday evening, December 1st. The weather was cool and the crowd was off, but it’s still very early in the season.
Suggestion: When the sun goes down in the days and weeks to come, grab the kids/grandkids and head over to enjoy the “Lights of 34th Street in Hampden.” Trust me, your family will be in for a real treat. New Year’s Eve is the final night for the 34th Street lights in Hampden to sparkle.
More of my photos can be found on my Facebook page.
Bill Hughes is an attorney, author, actor and photographer. His latest book is “Byline Baltimore.” It can be found at: