Leftist Girls Gone Wild

Representative Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) was asking for a fight on May 16 during a House Oversight Committee hearing to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) gave her one.

Obviously, Crockett is unfamiliar with the saying, ‘Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.’ 

But Rep Taylor Greene is familiar with it and she gave Crockett what she asked for and more.Greene, or MTG as she is popularly known, responded to Crockett’s unwarranted and unprovoked attack.

Crockett spoke out-of-order, twice, interrupting MTG’s approved request to speak. Not once, but twice, did Crockett make a snarky comment about what MTG said. Crockett made sure she spoke clearly into her microphone so everyone could hear. This was a pathetic attempt to belittle MTG.

Here is an excerpt of the kerfuffle from an online transcript

Chairman Rep. Comer: “Does any other member seek recognition uh M chair recognizes Miss Greene.

Rep. Greene: “I’d like to know if any of the Democrats on this committee are

employing Judge Merchan’s daughter?

Rep. Crockett ( out-of-order): “Please tell me what that has to do with Merrick Garland?”

Ranking Member Rep. Raskin ( out-of-order and sarcastically) “Is she a porn star?”

Rep. Greene:oh Goldman that’s right he’s advising okay he’s advising.

Rep. Crockett (out of order comment directed at MTG): “Do you know what we’re here for? You know we’re here about…”

Rep Greene, “ I don’t think you know what we’re here for.”

Rep Crockett, “Well you’re the one talking about…”

Rep. Greene, “I think your fake eyelashes are messing up…

At which point Coomer called for order. Then Rep. Lynch (D-MA) made a bizarre point of order to ask the parliamentarian about his accusation that Comer was somehow fundraising from the hearing is an ethics violation. 

It was after Rep. Lynch’s outlandish point-of-order was ruled invalid that Rep. Alessandra Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)- a full 40 seconds after MTG’s comment – made a point-of-order to take down MTG’s words about Crockett. During her motion, Rep Ocasio-Cortez called MTG “baby girl.” 

I guess some insults are more equal than others in the Democratic Party world. 

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez can insult Rep. Greene

Rep Raskin can speak out of order and make a snide comment

Rep Crockett can speak out of order and provoke Rep Greene

But Republicans are not allowed to fight back.

At this point, Chairman Comer suspended the hearing. He wanted to speak with the parliamentarian and to consult with Democrats who were whining about getting a taste of their own medicine. All the time the hearing was suspended Rep. Ocasio-Cortez was grandstanding. She made comments like, “ If it’s not a real apology public we’re not going to do a swarmy (sic) apology she has to actually apologize.”

Even after MTG agreed to strike her words, Ocasio-Cortez demanded an apology and refused to continue with the hearing. MTG refused to apologize – and rightfully so.

Predictably, The mainstream media is trying to portray Rep Greene as being the aggressor. But the fact is she was just defending herself from Crockett’s insults and vitriol.

During the House Oversight Committee hearing, the Democrats resorted to every disruption tactic in their playbook, which was reminiscent of Stalinist strategies to disrupt opposition meetings. Their aim was clear: prevent a vote on holding Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress. 

Despite Democrats’ best attempts, the vote finally took place late in the evening. Garland was held in contempt. The full House will vote on the contempt charge at a later date. 

Democrats were at their worst. They made motions and parliamentary inquiries and interrupted Republican speakers out of order. They did so with little resistance from pathetic Republicans.

Only Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) was not intimidated by Democrat bullying. She stood alone like the men at the Alamo against the tyrants. Ironic how Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Republican from Georgia was more Davy Crockett-like than Rep Jasmine Crockett Democrat from Texas. Ironic but not surprising since Jasmine Crockett once called Texas deplorable.

Meanwhile, Chairman James Comer (R-KY), as usual, was confused by Democrats about procedural issues. Somebody should buy him Robert’s Rules of Order for his birthday.