Leadership Conversations
A couple of weeks ago, I had breakfast with a young man who had a burning question for me. He had a career with significant leadership responsibilities, and was wrestling with one aspect of his calling.
This question went like this: “People have told me, it is impossible today to serve at high levels of leadership in our country, and maintain your integrity and good character. What do you think?”
The young man was told it was impossible.
Impossible??? Baloney!
Yes, it is absolutely challenging and difficult, but nothing is too difficult with the Lord.
I reminded him of great leaders like Joseph (in Egypt), Daniel (in Babylon), and Nehemiah and Esther (in the First Persian Empire), who served at the highest levels of leadership with great integrity. In fact, their times of turmoil were far more challenging than what we are presently experiencing here in the USA.
I told him the story of modern day leaders I know you serve with great distinction and integrity.
In God’s kingdom callings, CHARACTER MATTERS.
Please pray for this young man. Please pray God will continue to raise up the next generation of modern day statesmen and states women, military officers, journalists, scientists, economists, CEOs and entrepreneurs. Pray our next generation of Jesus followers will lead with strong character as branches connected to the vine.
May the older generation not get so jaded and negative that we convey to the next generation of leaders that it is impossible to honor God in turbulent times.
When God calls, He equips sovereignly.
Rest assured: God is raising up a new generation for such a time as this.
“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him.” (Second Chronicles 16:9)

Dr. Michael Sprague is the Louisiana State Chaplain with the Capitol Commission and President of Grace Adventures, which reaches out to political, business, and spiritual leaders. Michael wants leaders to not only win at politics or career, but at life. He often serves as a “non-political” friend to people in the halls of leadership. Previously, Michael pastored at Forcey Bible Church in Silver Spring, Md.