Keith Olbermann: Let’s go to the video tape Roger Goodell

Keith Olbermann slammed NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell’s interview with CBS News, broadcast Wednesday night after an AP reported that a law enforcement official claims he sent a video of Ray Rice punching his then-fiancee to an NFL executive three months ago.

Olberman’s rant also talks about two other NFL tape scandals – The Patriots Spy Gate, and Bounty Gate. What is it with Goodell and videos.   Of course, the Spy Gate video was destroyed, and perhaps Goodell was hoping that his office destroyed the domestic abuse tape because the commish claims they don’t have it, although evidence says it was sent to the NFL executive offices. (Remember, Goodell destroyed the Spygate tape because he said it was totally consistent what the team told him.  What’s he going to say now?)

Here’s hoping the former top FBI Chief Robert Mueller finds the horrific domestic abuse tape sitting right next to the Spy Gate tape that somehow comes miraculously discovered. And then put the Spy Gate tape into the Hall of Fame as a reminder to voters that at least one team hasn’t won a  Super Bowl since they got caught.

And here’s hoping that the woman on the phone who acknowledged the NFL received the  elevator tape takes a big step forward and goes public. Do it for the women in this country.

As for the domestic abuse tape – why can’t the NFL be like WWE? The WWE  launched a campaign to stomp out bullying long before the NFL bullying incident in Miami.  The NFL should do a national campaign starting today to stomp out domestic abuse.

Maybe there’s no money in that for them.

My bet is that the  WWE will beat them to it.

It makes you wonder who is more real – the WWE or the NFL?

One thought on “Keith Olbermann: Let’s go to the video tape Roger Goodell

  • September 20, 2014 at 7:11 PM

    Your information is incorrect that the WWE launched a campaign to stomp out bullying long before the NFL bullying incident in Miami. STOMP Out Bullying is the lading national anti-bullying/cyberbullying organization in the country for kids and teens, and is an advisory partner of Be A Star which is sponsored by the WWE.

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