How Truck Drivers Fatigue Can Cause Severe Accidents?  

 Driving on the road for long hours is exhausting. Constantly looking at the road and handling the steering isn’t easy, and your body needs some relaxation. However, most drivers don’t think of the consequences and continue driving for long hours. This leads to accidents and tragedies beyond one’s imagination, especially when big vehicles like trucks are involved. The intensity of the crash will be greater with larger vehicles.

Most truck drivers travel for thousands of kilometers, and the journey can tire them mentally and physically. Therefore, truck drivers and other individuals should try to take short breaks during their journeys. Instead of driving for hours and developing fatigue, it’s better to rest for a while. You never know when your tired body will stop responding. The following article will help you understand the dangers of fatigued driving and how it can lead to the potential loss of lives.

Effect of Fatigue on a Driver’s Mind and Body

Trucks don’t only look scary; they can cause excessive damage as well. If a truck accidentally crashes into a vehicle or roadside pedestrians, one cannot imagine the amount of destruction and devastation caused.

Sadly, these incidents do take place, and upon questioning, the drivers are often found to be overworked, stressed, and fatigued. According to the Fort Lauderdale UPS vehicle accident lawyer at Coffey McPharlin: “Often companies hire inexperienced drivers or their drivers are too tired from long journeys, which makes them lose concentration on the road and hit another vehicle.”

When a driver lacks energy or is fatigued, they:

Cannot Judge a Situation Accurately

Another reason a fatigued driver is dangerous on the road is that their minds are not alert. With very little sleep, your mind won’t function as it usually does. Your attention span will reduce, and you won’t be as alert as before. This means an individual can miss out on signs or take wrong turns. You might even start driving in the wrong lane, causing you to crash into another car.

Have Slow Responses

Fatigue also leads to slower responses. Drivers are unable to judge a situation and react in time. In these conditions, it is highly likely for a truck to crash into another vehicle on the road. For example, if a vehicle suddenly changes its lane or stops, a fatigued driver won’t be able to apply the brakes in time. This delayed reaction results in a severe accident.

Being behind the steering wheel puts you in charge of the vehicle and responsible for anyone on the road. You don’t only have to keep yourself safe but also think of others on the road. Therefore, make sure you’re not tired while behind the steering wheel.

Doze Off While on the Road

Another problem faced by fatigued drivers is falling asleep while they’re driving. The fatigued driver might not notice but could doze off, which could result in a serious accident. These sleepy drivers might lose consciousness while changing lanes or at a traffic signal. This leads to deadly accidents, claiming dozens of lives.

Temporary Memory Impairment

Being deprived of sleep and rest will negatively impact your brain health. Most drivers who make it a habit to travel long routes without an adequate amount of rest develop memory impairments. This makes the situation riskier because a driver can, at times, temporarily forget how to operate the truck or follow complex instructions. Overall, the driver’s efficiency and safety are both at risk due to fatigue.

Reasons Behind Fatigue

There are several reasons for developing fatigue, such as the demanding schedule of truck drivers. Usually, companies put a lot of pressure on their drivers by assigning them lengthy shifts and tight deadlines.

It causes drivers to avoid taking breaks and developing fatigue. So, employers putting extra pressure on drivers or prioritizing profits over employee health are the culprits behind most brutal crashes.

In addition to demanding schedules, drivers also opt to stay behind the wheel for lengthy hours for more money. The extra work combined with irregular sleep is enough to wear out the driver. Even disrupted sleep patterns are a reason behind fatigue.

Truck Accidents and Common Injuries Involved 

Due to their massive size, trucks cause maximum damage when involved in any major or minor crashes. From injuries to fatalities and car damage, there are several consequences of a truck accident.

The crushing force of a truck is enough to cause amputations and loss of lives. Amongst all injuries, brain injury, spinal cord injuries, and amputations top the list. Sometimes, individuals face permanent disabilities, which means their entire life gets ruined.

Apart from physical pain, there is also mental trauma to deal with. That is why a truck driver must be extra careful and remain vigilant. Their fatigue doesn’t only harm others but puts their lives and wages at risk as well.

Understanding State Laws Regarding Drowsy Driving

A driver’s fatigue can become the reason behind major accidents, and the state works to ensure such situations don’t arise. Legal administrations of several cities and states have set limits on driving hours.

Not only are there limits on a driver’s hours, but local regulatory bodies also encourage drivers to take breaks in consecutive shifts to avoid overburdening themselves. For example, drivers must take breaks after eight hours on duty or cannot drive for more than fourteen consecutive hours.

These regulations help drivers maintain their health and keep everyone on the road safe.

Will I be Compensated in a Truck Accident?

Victims are always compensated for their losses, given they can prove the negligence of another party. Thus, developing a sound understanding of the compensation process is essential.

Usually, the liability of a crash is on the individuals at fault. Drivers who break traffic rules or purposely take extra shifts are responsible for the crash. Still, it can be possible that a driver’s employer made them work extra. In such a scenario, the fault is indirectly of the company, and they are held responsible.

Whoever is responsible for the crash will compensate the victims for medical bills, lost wages, and other damages. There is even compensation for the pain and suffering the accident caused an individual.

Of course, you will need to hire a professional expert to gain an understanding of the court procedures. Finding a lawyer helps you file a lawsuit, handle court hearings, and stay away from unnecessary stress.


The amount of trauma and risk that an individual goes through in a truck accident is immense. Therefore, truck drivers must be fully conscious before starting their journey.

No matter what the circumstances, always be fully aware of your surroundings. Take ample rest before your shift and take short breaks to reenergize yourself. If you feel slightly fatigued, avoid the steering because it could lead to a possible crash.