How to reduce your dog’s stress with CBD Oil

Stress can be provoked in dogs for many reasons. Dogs typically portray signs of stress when a thunderstorm is passing the town when they get nervous going for a car ride, when they experience separation anxiety if you leave them alone for a few hours, and when they are intimidated by a larger breed of dog.

Whatever the case may be, you’ll want to help your dog overcome it.

Have you ever been stressed out in certain situations?

As pet owners, one thing we need to learn to do is to put ourselves in our dog’s shoes. For instance, if a thunderstorm is happening, think about how your pup would feel. They don’t understand what’s happening, all they know is that there’s a loud banging noise that keeps reoccurring and they don’t know what to do to stop it; it scares them. When they’re scared, they become stressed and don’t know how to calm down.

Well, the same goes for us. As humans, we have certain situations we cannot deal with, certain conditions that provoke a stress response. Yes, dogs and humans don’t get stressed in the same circumstances, but we still know what it feels like to be anxious and filled with stress.

What can you do to help your dog’s stress levels?

Instead of having your dog suffer and instead of giving him or her pharmaceutically prescribed medications, start administering a healthy dose of CBD oil for dogs stress; go easy at first, and increase the dose when necessary.

If you’re aware of what triggers him or her to be stressed, start administering the CBD oil before the incident. For instance, if you know a thunderstorm is going to happen tonight, give your pup a few drops of CBD oil when you come home from work. If you’re going to the dog park and your tiny dog is scared of the bigger breeds, administer a few drops of CBD oil. You get where I’m going with this.

Why does CBD oil work so well?

One thing scientists and researchers have come to find out is that CBD oil improves dogs quality of life overall. Many dog owners have been using the treatment method for years now, and they’ve even stated that the outcome is phenomenal.

The main point to keep in mind when administering CBD oil is that you’re calming your dog down without any psychoactive elements that would get him or her high. Instead, you’re making your dog feel better while also keeping other areas of his or her health in check, like appetite, motility, and metabolic functioning. Reducing stress and anxiety, and improving other areas of life, will ultimately increase your pets life span, too.

What should you keep in mind when administering CBD oil to your dog?

The #1 piece of advice we can offer you in this department is to make sure you’ve secured an appropriate dosage for your dog. Considering your dog’s breed, size, and weight all play a part in dosage, you may want to do your research.

Ask your vet what he or she thinks when in doubt. If you want to start by using the dosage the supplier suggests, that’s fine, too. Remember, don’t give your pup too high of a dose; start small, you can always work your way up.

3 thoughts on “How to reduce your dog’s stress with CBD Oil

  • August 21, 2019 at 7:09 PM

    We’ve had success with CBD oil. It’s definitely recommended.

  • March 24, 2019 at 4:28 PM

    Definitely recommend trying cbd oil for dogs for anxiety and stress for dogs, it’s really effective. Just make sure you buy a full spectrum oil that’s organic.

    We bought ours at, they specialize in cbd oil for dogs and carry the higher quality brands.

  • March 24, 2019 at 4:27 PM

    Definitely recommend trying cbd oil for dogs for anxiety and stress for dogs, it’s really effective. Just make sure you buy a full spectrum oil that’s organic.

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