How to Handle Your Medical Bills After a Fort Lauderdale Car Accident

There are around 400,000 car accidents in Florida each year, with more than 150,000 accidents causing injuries to people. With so many people experiencing injuries due to accidents on Florida’s roads, it’s important to know how you’d cope with the aftermath if you were affected in this way.

Image by Monica Volpin from Pixabay

Medical costs are a leading cause of bankruptcy in the U.S., so knowing how you’d deal with unexpected healthcare bills can protect you and your family. To find out what your options are, take a look at these top tips for handling your medical bills after a Fort Lauderdale car accident:

1. Get Legal Advice From a Fort Lauderdale Car Accident Lawyer

First and foremost, you need to get legal advice to find out what your options are after a car accident in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. With help from an experienced car accident attorney, you can determine who was liable for the incident. If you need to make a claim against one, this will mean that you’ll know who to file a lawsuit against, but it also helps to protect your own liability and prevent people from claiming compensation from you.

2. Contact Your Insurance Company

As Florida is a no-fault state, the cost arising from injuries caused by a car accident in Fort Lauderdale will be covered by your own insurance company. To drive a four-wheeled vehicle in the state, Florida insurance requires that you must carry insurance that provides at least $10,000 in personal injury protection (PIP) liability. Of course, it is possible to take out insurance with much higher PIP benefits and it’s well worth considering.

Medical bills can quickly skyrocket, so having a comprehensive insurance policy in place can give you peace of mind. If the cost of your medical bills exceeds the amount covered by the PIP benefits under your insurance policy, you may need to take action against the person or people who caused the accident.

3. Make a Claim for Compensation

If you sustained ‘serious injuries’ due to a Fort Lauderdale accident, you may be eligible to claim whoever was responsible for the incident. If so, you can include damages for ‘pain and suffering’ in your claim, as well as the cost of economic losses, such as medical bills.

If you’re able to make a successful claim against an at-fault party, the amount of compensation you’re awarded will depend on various factors, including the nature of your injuries and the financial loss you have experienced, as well as the estimated monetary loss you’re likely to sustain in the future.

Seeking Legal Help After an Accident

As you can see, there are a number of options when it comes to handling your medical bills following a car accident in Fort Lauderdale. However, navigating the legal system can be complex and it’s not something you’ll want to deal with alone. By getting bespoke advice, you can find out exactly what your rights are and secure the representation you need. Click here to look for an attorney in Fort Lauderdale.

You shouldn’t suffer financially for an accident that wasn’t your fault, which is why it’s important to take action following an accident on the roads. By doing so, you can ensure that those responsible are held to account and protect your own finances in the process.