How To Fix Receding Gums

Have you ever noticed that your gum seems to be pulling away from your teeth? Receding gum is more common than you think, so you are not alone. Research has shown that ¾ of grown adults have this gum disease; even young adults can have receding gum.

You may be aware that once you have gum recession, you cannot regain the lost gum; however, do not be afraid because treatments can help you prevent further damage. Dental care professionals like those in Dentakay Dental Clinic will provide you with various treatment options and suggest which is best for your condition.

In this article, we shall discuss what receding gums are and how to fix receding gums.

What are receding gums?

Gum recession is of type of gum disease. This type of gum disease makes the roots of your teeth visible as your gum tissue begins to move away and expose them. Your teeth are more likely to develop cavities as a result. When you brush or chew, your teeth may become more sensitive. Gum recession can range from minor to severe. Several teeth or only one could be impacted.

Reasons Gum Recede

Receding gums occur for several reasons that can cause your gum to recede. Some of these are;


Some persons are predisposed to gum disease. According to statistics, about 30% of the population is likely to have gum disease, no matter how well they care for their teeth. This is a result of genetics and biological constitutions.

Aggressive brushing

Brushing your teeth with excess pressure or improper technique can lead to enamel erosion and gum recession.

Sometimes the type of toothbrush you use may be too brittle and hence affect the gum and cause receding gum.

Changes in the level of hormones in the body

This is more particular with females as they are the ones that experience fluctuation in their hormonal level each month. Female hormone fluctuations during a woman’s life, such as adolescence, pregnancy, and menopause, might make gums more sensitive and subject to gum recession.

Poor dental hygiene

Poor dental hygiene can cause the accumulation of plaque, which will form calculus in the long run. Calculus is a hard substance found on and between your teeth and can only be eliminated by a professional dental cleaning. Too much plaque will result in calculus which will eventually cause receding gum.

Gum diseases

This is the major cause of receding gum. Gum diseases and infections harm the gum tissue and supporting bone that keeps your teeth in place.

How to Treat Receding Gum

You can still do some things to stop your gums from receding more, even though they won’t grow back. A few procedures can lessen the look of receding gums. Some of these include:

Slowing down the process

You can use some methods to slow down the rate at which your gum is receding. To do this, the first step you need to take is to consult your dentist.

The dentist will measure the extent of your receding gum and, from their intellectual knowledge, be able to determine the suitable steps to take next.

If the spaces created by the receding gums contain bacteria, your dentist will most likely start with a procedure that helps them to clean the teeth deeply. This is called scaling and root planning.

Scaling and root planing remove tartar from your teeth and beneath your gum line. It is done with either a hand-held scraper or ultrasonic equipment that employs vibrations to loosen and remove plaque.

Sometimes, your dentist may need to put an antibacterial gel beneath your gum. He may also prescribe an antibiotic mouthwash to help get rid of all the bacteria.

The first step by which dentists try to stop the receding process is by getting rid of the bacteria. Bacteria in the gum cause receding gum, so once these bacteria are out, the receding process either stops or slows down.

After your dentist does this, you still need to do your part by carrying out good oral hygiene.

The following are things that you must do to maintain the result:

  • Brush gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush
  • Brush twice daily
  • Floss daily
  • Go for regular dental checkups and cleaning


This is used for severe cases of receding gum. Surgery can be carried out to remove the bacteria that is deeply in the gum, and just cleaning cannot remove it.

Below are some common surgical procedures that can be done to treat receding gum:

  • Flap surgery – To raise up your gum tissue and remove any plaque that could not be reached during the scaling and root planing operation, your dentist will create a small incision. After eliminating the bacteria, they’ll fix your gum tissue back into place. In the long run, this can stop bone loss.
  • Gum grafting – A dental surgeon will remove gum tissue from another location of your mouth and then surgically attach it to the receding area. This can prevent further harm to your tooth’s root and bone and lessen the appearance of receding gums.
  • Bonding – Your impacted teeth’s roots can be covered with gum-colored resin. This protects the delicate tooth roots while also improving the look of receding gums.


You can also fix the looks of your receding gum by using some dental cosmetic procedures.

Gum veneers are a way by which you can improve the aesthetics of your smile. You can use the removable gum veneers to replace and cover the missing gum tissue. Find out receding gum treatment cost

Final thoughts

Receding gum is a common dental condition that can happen due to several reasons. You can still experience receding gum even with good dental hygiene due to genetics, ageing, and hormonal fluctuations.

There are methods by which you can stop the receding process and make your smile look perfect, although the receded gum tissue cannot grow back.

You can easily stop receding gum and undergo some procedures to fix the aesthetical beauty of your smile. Consult your dentist, and he will choose the most suitable corrective procedure based on your dental health.