How to Effectively Manage Hair Loss 

Hair loss is a common and rising disorder affecting millions of people. Although the condition might not have direct physical effects on a person’s health, it can take an emotional toll on an individual. However, affected people can manage the condition through the bright procedure from preventing hair loss to treatment. It is worth noting that there are various reasons for hair loss that require examination from certified personnel. If you opt for hair restoration, the process begins with finding the cause. 

Causes Of Hair Loss 

Hair loss can affect your scalp or the entire body depending on the underlying causes. Regardless of the reason, you will undergo several hair loss stages that can be treated if diagnosed. Below are some common causes of hair loss to look out for: 

Hereditary hair loss: Inherited genes mainly cause hair growth failure. For both men and women, it causes the hair follicles to shrink and eventually stop growing hair. 

Age: As most people grow old, their hair growth also slows. This type of loss usually occurs when hair follicles stop producing hair, which causes the hair on our scalp to thin. Hair also starts to lose its color. 

Alopecia areata: This disease develops when the body’s immune system attacks hair follicles. Notably, the affected people can lose hair anywhere on the body in this case.

Cancer: Cancer treatment through chemotherapy may result in hair loss within a few weeks of starting the treatment regime. 

Haircare: Some hair care solutions through perming or relaxing could have damaging effects. When the damage spreads over a long period, it can lead to hair loss.

Scalp infection: Some infections can result in scaly and inflamed areas on your scalp. One of the significant symptoms to look out for is small black dots on your scalp, representing stubs of hair. 

Sexually transmitted infection: STIs can lead to hair loss if left untreated. For instance, syphilis can result in patchy hair loss on the scalp, eyebrows, or beard, and elsewhere. 

Diagnosis for Your Hair Loss

In most cases, people tend to ignore their hair loss without the intent to find out about the cause. However, to manage your hair loss problem, a doctor needs to diagnose it like any other condition. Usually, a doctor conducts a physical examination and may inquire about several elements that can affect your hair, like diet, hair care routine, and your medical history. The diagnosis is usually conducted through: 

  • Blood test: The test is preferred especially in determining if any medical conditions can cause hair loss.
  • Pull test: The doctor pulls hair from the scalp to determine how many come out. This helps determine your hair loss stage. 
  • Scalp biopsy: The test involves scraping samples from the skin to examine the hair roots under a microscope. Normally, this test helps identify if any infection is behind the hair loss.
  • Light microscopy: The doctor leverages a unique instrument to examine hairs trimmed at their bases to determine possible disorders of the hair shaft.

How to Restore Your Hair

With the advancement in technology, hair loss can be reversed through several certified procedures. Diagnosis of your hair loss can inform the doctor on the best solution in restoring growth. Note that not all hair loss situations require the same treatment. Below are common ways of restoring your hair. 

Restoring your hair to its former glory is a journey that requires careful consideration and expert guidance. Thanks to advancements in technology, certified procedures like those offered by Histogen Hair provide promising avenues for reversing hair loss.


Treatment for the specific condition is necessary since it might affect general hair growth. If a particular medication is causing hair loss, your doctor may advise you to stop using it for a specified period.

Hair transplant

This is a popular type of permanent hair loss restoration, especially if only the top of the head is affected. Only use a certified dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon if you opt for this procedure. The practitioner removes hair from a part of the head and transplants it to a bald spot. However, these procedures come with possible risks like bleeding, bruising, swelling, and infection. It may also require more than one surgery.

Laser therapy

It leverages approved devices for treating hereditary hair loss. This option improves hair density. However, it is worth pointing out that the effects of this technology are not yet known. 

Home remedies

This approach mainly involves changing your lifestyle. Some home remedies include a change in styling products that add volume and color to your hair. Home remedies can be used to address permanent or temporary hair loss.

Scalp reduction

This procedure involves the removal of non-hair-bearing skin from the scalp while the remaining hair-bearing skin can be stretched to cover the balding area. Some of the side effects of scalp reduction include pain and headaches.

Hair Loss Prevention Techniques

Although hair loss can be unpredictable and varies from person to person, some practices might minimize your chances of hair loss.

Healthy diet

You need a balanced diet that helps maintain healthy skin, directly impacting hair growth. The diet should be accompanied by proper hydration. Generally, what you consume should be rich in healthy proteins, fruits, and vegetables alongside nuts.

Use supplements

Achieve beautiful, silky, and lustrous hair with the best hair growth products. Hair loss might result from the lack of certain nutrients. Popular nutrients responsible for hair loss include biotin, protein, iron, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids. During the diagnosis stage, the doctor conducts a blood test to pinpoint the missing nutrient and recommends any necessary supplement. Always consult your doctor before taking any supplement.

Regular scalp massage

This is a home remedy to manage hair loss. Massaging the scalp daily increases blood flow to the hair follicles helping in managing stress. 

Good hair and scalp care

In this case, avoid using harsh hair treatments procedures like heating tools, hair dye and bleaching. Additionally, hairstyles like tight ponytails or braids can affect hair growth. Maintaining a healthy scalp by regular washing goes a long way in minimizing losses.

Mistakes to avoid in preventing hair loss

  • Wringing your hair after a shower
  • Rubbing your hair vigorously when towel drying
  • Combing and using heated styling tools on wet hair
  • Styling through the heat without protection
  • Frequently changing hair products


Hair loss can affect individuals differently, although some people tend to embrace the condition without necessarily visiting the doctor. However, if you intend to restore your looks, consider making an appointment with your doctor, who will determine your hair loss stage and recommend the correct treatment. Note that the doctor might recommend some homemade solutions that are cheaper than medical treatment. It is essential to note that regaining your hair needs patience as the procedure can last for over six months on average.