How Is Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Different?

Image by NickyPe from Pixabay

Are you looking to improve your health? Do you want a simple yet effective way to care for your wellbeing every day? Adding full-spectrum hemp oil may be just the solution for you. There are many choices of hemp and CBD oil on the market and in this article, I’ll go over the significant benefits of using full-spectrum hemp oil in your daily routine.

What makes our full-spectrum hemp oil different from full-spectrum CBD oil? How can you tell the two apart and what are their uses? Hemp and marijuana are NOT the same plant. They are very different and each plant has a different purpose.

Marijuana (CBD) is a drug containing THC (the compound that gets you high). Hemp has numerous industrial and everyday uses. Marijuana is usually grown as part of horticulture. And hemp is typically grown in an agricultural setting.

What makes our full-spectrum hemp oil different from full-spectrum CBD oil?

The hemp plant contains numerous phytocannabinoids, which impart health benefits to the human and animal body. Phytocannabinoids act upon our natural systems called endocannabinoids. This is the same system that’s highly interconnected with the rest of the nervous system and controls levels of energy, emotions, sleep, and injury recovery.

The several layers of the endocannabinoid system reach into all the same receptors of the endocannabinoids as they control the movement and sleep levels of our bodies. Full-spectrum hemp oil contains a load of phytocannabinoids for your nervous system.

You cannot get high from hemp oil. It’s not a drug and can be much safer and have much wider use than CBD. Hemp oil can be used in a variety of foods, drinks, medicines, fabrics, and cleaning supplies. Perhaps the main difference between hemp and marijuana is the many uses for hemp that simply don’t exist for marijuana.

Full-spectrum hemp oil provides all the benefits for your health and daily use needs. You can use it in your smoothie, breakfast cereal, or soap. Its simply the most versatile ingredient around.

Full-spectrum hemp oil for your everyday wellness

You already know about the many uses of the hemp plant and oil. I’ve listed out the reasons that hemp has little in common with CBD. Hemp is a provider of phytocannabinoids that help activate the endocannabinoid system located throughout the nervous system.

Hemp as a botanical also contains numerous other phytonutrients that work to improve all areas of your wellbeing and health.

What might you experience from the consumption of full-spectrum hemp oil?

  • Less pain
  • More flexibility
  • Appetite control
  • Better sleep
  • Improved mood
  • Regulates energy levels
  • Lots of other helpful botanical compounds
  • Full-spectrum means pure extraction of compounds

The full-spectrum type of hemp oil contains all the most useful extracts of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. Many varieties of quality hemp oil contain less than .3% of THC, which is not enough to get a high effect. However, its enough THC to control energy levels and perhaps increase your energy through the day.

Hemp oil works all year-round

You can tell the difference when using quality hemp oil as you notice the healthier additive to food and drinks. The additive of a botanical like hemp always fills your wellbeing needs with a diversity of compounds naturally present in the hemp.

The extracted oil of quality hemp only furthers the health benefits of anything its added to such as smoothie bowls and soaps. And hemp oil doesn’t act like a drug in the body, it doesn’t produce the high effect that CBD does. Hemp oil is one of the safest and healthiest botanicals to use year-round.