Hatred for Obama wrecked the Republican Party
“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”
When Senator Mitch McConnell publicly said those words after Barack Obama was elected in 2008, he started a sequence of events that culminated with this past weekends melt down for Donald Trump and the entire Republican Party.
I am sure politicians have felt the way McConnell did before, but I had never witnessed a Senate Majority Leader say so in public. You would think the single most important thing on Congress’s agenda back then would have been to fix the economy, but McConnell’s statement signaled to everyone that the Republicans did not respect Obama, and they didn’t care if the world knew it.
After McConnell and his Republican colleagues made it okay to openly disrespect the Office of the President of The United States, everyone from elected officials, to private citizens, and of course Donald Trump unleashed a barrage of disrespectful, hate filled insults, inappropriate racial comments and out right lies against Americas first black President.
During Obama’s first State of the Union Speech, Joe Wilson a Republican Congressman from South Carolina called the President a liar in front of the American people and the entire world. Wilson apologized, but the damage was already done. Then there was the birth of the TEA Party, a movement that began immediately after the inauguration of the nations first black President. I guess Republicans didn’t see a need for a TEA Party during the Carter or Clinton administrations.
The TEA Party had a major influence on the Republican Party, endorsing candidates who shut down the government in 2013 in an attempt to defund Obama Care, and who refused to support their own Speaker of The House, John Boehner. Boehner got so frustrated with TEA Party Republicans he resigned as Speaker, and from Congress in 2015. Opposition to Boehner’s leadership and increasing discord within the party prompted him to resign unexpectedly.
However the cruelest and most hurtful assault by the Republican Party against Barack Obama was the birther movement. There is no conceivable way Obama could have gotten through the Democratic primaries if he were not an American citizen. The Clinton campaign would have exposed him in a second if that were true. Despite this, Republicans in Congress stood by and said nothing as Donald Trump repeatedly called for Obama to produce proof of his American citizenship.
Even after Obama produced his birth certificate in 2011, Trump and many Americans still refused to believe it was authentic. Trump even called for Obama to release his college transcripts. Last week a Trump supporter being interviewed on TV in Florida was still calling for Obama to produce his birth certificate!
The birther movement was created solely to discredit and disqualify America’s first black President. The birther movement also impacted how other countries treated the President, viewed America, and was hurtful to black Americans. Donald Trump still has not apologized, and is now blaming the Clinton administration for starting the birther movement; he is also patting himself on the back for making Obama produce his birth certificate.
After the Access Hollywood video leaked this past weekend, and his performances in the two Presidential debates, it is very clear that Donald Trump is way in over his head. He has not laid out one strategy for his agenda. Trump has only attacked his opponent, and anyone else who disagrees with him, or asks him tough questions.
The ascension of Donald Trump to the top of the Republican Presidential ticket is a direct result of the vitriol Republicans have directed toward Obama over the past eight years. Now the Republican Party is in shambles with Republican leaders abandoning Trump in droves, and some Republicans in Congress are weighing rather to abandon Trump or stay with him. Their chickens have come home to roost.
Mitch McConnell and his Republican colleagues have turned the party of Lincoln into the party of hate. What would America be like now had Mitch McConnell said these words in 2009 instead “The American people have elected a President, and it is our duty as American’s to support him as best we can.” I guess we will never know.
Matthew R. Drayton is an Author, Speaker, Coach and owner of Drayton Communications.
The Republican Party doesn’t seem that wrecked to me.
Republicans are full of disrespect for most people that do not agree with them. And, worse, it has made their members of Congress very uncooperative and uncompromising. Did any Republican member of Congress ever take on Donald Trump about his birther lie. No- they sat in silence because it was building their extreme right wing voting block. Now they have to deal with it. That this element dictates too much of their policies is reason enough not to vote for Republicans. Nobody with any sense of what America needs for rebuilding the middle class and lifting up the bottom one-fifth of our people would vote Republican. So how do they win elections? -Other than through creating barriers to voting and gerrymandering, which helps them hold on to the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Trump is a douche waffle and I never have or will support him.
Mathew Drayton say’s Hate for Obama wrecked the republican party, really? The republican party is in shambles and has been because they lack a solid platform the majority of Americans can get behind. It has nothing to do with Douche Waffle.
Regarding Sen McConnell’s remarks, the goal of a first term president is to get a second term. The goal of the opposing party is to try and keep them to the single term. It works both way and has for decades.
As for calling President Obama a liar. Sen. Harry Reid called President bush a loser and a liar. Where was Mathew Drayton then saying that Sen. Reid was saying it was OK to disrespect the Office of the President?
You shouldn’t get offended by this garbage.
And for Mathew Drayton to heavily imply the Tea Party came into existence to oppose President Obama’s policies because he is black is ridiculous. The Tea Party’s main focus is to make federal government smaller. So yes they did try and defund Obamacare. Not because they are a bunch of racists, it is because all federal government programs are so huge they are inefficient and wasteful. Once these programs are created the whole goal is to make themselves so important we have to keep throwing money at them.
Oh and look at all of the complaints and issues with Obamacare these days. Of course that was going to happen.
Mathew Drayton is the one spewing vitriol and he is part of the problem by writing this inflammatory and divisive garbage.
I used to be a Republican. I used to think I would like to be a Republican again, but now I understand that the Republican party promotes hate and even violent rebellion against the US government if they do not get elected. I was less stressed during the Cold War. At least it didn’t attack our political system and make people worry about rioting in the streets and insurrection against the government because a political party didn’t win an election.
But I guess I won’t worry because they’re not coming for me (yet). Besides, when the Republicans succeed in trashing the Constitution and achieve their ultimate goal of destroying our political system, most of the riots will occur in our cities. Thankfully, I live in the suburbs (and I’m white). That will probably buy me a few years of relative peace before America becomes the fascist state envisioned by the Republicans.
Even if the Rs don’t get the social rebellion they seek, they will
shut down the government and refuse to get anything done for another
generation. I suppose it is a good thing. At least we Americans will be able to say that no foreign power destroyed us, we just killed ourselves.
Good job Republican Party. You may be evil, but at least you are predictable.
I consider myself a libertarian so I am not defending the republicans. They are a mess that is for sure. I do think the republicans and most free thinkers are being targeted and labeled as hate mongers and racists by the liberal media. Successfully I might add.
Look at how the democrats are acting whenever someone disagrees with them. They are obstinate, irrational, and unfairly intolerant of ideas, opinions, and beliefs that differ from their own. Look at what Melissa Click the Prof University of Missouri did when student journalists showed up to cover a protest. She got fired for it too.
Typo: “… weighing rather to abandon ” should be “whether”
Matthew, I absolutely agree with the statement you make regarding Mitch McConnell and his Republican colleagues, because no one had the audacity to tell Donald Trump to shut the hell up regarding the President citizenship. Now Mitch McConnell and the Republican Party need to keep him.
What about when Sen. Harry Reid called President Bush a loser and a liar?
McConnell should have been impeached for that statement…the most anti-democracy statement I have ever read…until Trump began his campaign. However McConnell said it when he was a powerful elected official. Disgraceful.
Then you must think Sen. Harry Reid should have been impeached for calling President Bush a loser and a liar in 2004, right?
Mr. Drayton….outstanding article!!! What cracks me up is that your article is dead on accurate, but if you show it to most Republicans they’ll think you’re crazy…… and that’s the problem, they’ve simply lost their minds!!!
Trump is a douche waffle. But Mathew Drayton saying Hate for Obama wrecked the republican party, really? The republican party is in shambles and has been because they lack a solid platform the majority of Americans can get behind. It has nothing to do with Douche Waffle.
Regarding Sen McConnell’s remarks, the goal of a first term president is to get a second term. The goal of the opposing party is to try and keep them to the single term. It works both way and has for decades.
As for calling President Obama a liar. Sen. Harry Reid called President bush a loser and a liar. Where was Mathew Drayton then saying that Sen. Reid was saying it was OK to disrespect the Office of the President?
And for Mathew Drayton to heavily imply the Tea Party came into existence to oppose President Obama’s policies because he is black is ridiculous. The Tea Party’s main focus is to make federal government smaller. So yes they did try and defund Obamacare. Not because they are a bunch of racists, it is because all federal government programs are so huge they are inefficient and wasteful. Once these programs are created the whole goal is to make themselves so important we have to keep throwing money at them.
Oh and look at all of the complaints and issues with Obamacare these days. Of course that was going to happen.
Mathew Drayton is spewing hate and vitriol by posting this inflammatory garbage.
Why work? Vote Democrat!
Well written!! But I do have two points of correction for this article. The first is you should always refer to the President of the United States as President Obama not Obama. My other criticism is it is the healthcare plan is called the Affordable Care Act not Obama Care.
Thank you Michelle. We must not lose our manners.
You are spot on with your points.
I agree we when referencing the President.
That being said; Trump is a douche waffle. But Mathew Drayton saying Hate for Obama wrecked the republican party, really? The republican party is in shambles and has been because they lack a solid platform the majority of Americans can get behind. It has nothing to do with Douche Waffle.
Regarding Sen McConnell’s remarks, the goal of a first term president is to get a second term. The goal of the opposing party is to try and keep them to the single term. It works both way and has for decades.
As for calling President Obama a liar. Sen. Harry Reid called President Bush a loser and a liar. Where was Mathew Drayton then saying that Sen. Reid was saying it was OK to disrespect the Office of the President?
And for Mathew Drayton to heavily imply the Tea Party came into existence to oppose President Obama’s policies because he is black is ridiculous. The Tea Party’s main focus is to make federal government smaller. So yes they did try and defund Obamacare. Not because they are a bunch of racists, it is because all federal government programs are so huge they are inefficient and wasteful. Once these programs are created the whole goal is to make themselves so important we have to keep throwing money at them.
Oh and look at all of the complaints and issues with Obamacare these days. Of course that was going to happen.
They would not have treated him that way if he had been white, and now they are reaping what they have sown. God don’t like ugly. They should rename the Republican Party, the Ridiculous Party or the Repukes.
That is perfect for them. They constantly regurgitate the same lies against our great DEMOCRATIC leaders, because they NEVER HAVE ANY GREAT LEADERS TO BRAG ABOUT. NO GREAT POLICIES TO OFFER, NOR ANY POSITIVE OUTLOOK FOR THIS COUNTRY.
But they try to rewrite history by promoting notions, like Reagan was “all that and a bag of chips” because he was an articulate ACTOR!
Racism is alive and well. None of this would have happened if he had been. Mitch McConnel and the Republican Party are paying for their sins. God don’t like ugly.
They didn’t respect Bill Clinton, either. Starting in 1994 Newt Gingrich promulgated the strategy that if the Democrats win the White House, GOP must destroy, destroy, destroy! It’s become their robotic response. Look at Darrell Issa and his comically repetitive pratfalls over failed investigations. Yet he is totally committed to just keeping it up. They are mindless zombies who just keep coming and coming. In the meantime, quality of life, infrastructure, the courts (with empty seats all over the place) and civil liberties continue to decay. Heckuva job, Newtie!
Which is it then?
What about when Sen. Reid called President Bush a loser and a liar?
What about it? Did Reid lead a campaign to impeach Bush, or help spread rumors that Bush was a drug runner and murderer of his associates? You are wee bit sensitive there, Rob. One insult does not a campaign to destroy a presidency make.
I am NOT sensitive!! Hahaha! That was a joke.
I should have replied with more than a single sentence / question.
For the most part these insults are just part of the game. The bigger events like the investigations are much more real. And no, Sen. Reid did none of those things to President Bush. I think mainly because there was no smoke, therefore no fire. It wasn’t like President Bush was having numerous adulterous affairs and sexual liaisons in the Oval Office and lying to Congress either.
The focus on attacking President Bush was for the GWOT which is fair game.
My main point to my original comment was to point out that one insult does not make a whole political leadership racist. Nor does it destroy a presidency. President Clinton and his administration was doing a bang up job of that all on their own.
“They didn’t respect Bill Clinton…”?
But you did?
This is the type of shameless, lying reprobate democrats worship:
or go to You Tube and search: “Bill Clinton–I did not have sexual relations with that woman” (39 seconds long)
or go to You Tube and search “Clinton testify” (2 minutes long)
or go to You Tube and search
“Bill Clinton It Depends on what the meaning of the word is is”
or go to You Tube and search
“Bill Clinton admits to having inappropriate relationship with Monica Lewinsky”
I despise lovers of liars more than I despise liars themselves. And that is what democrats are, lovers of liars.
This is why I refuse to give any Republican my friendship, trust, or business. I just turned 47, and every single memory I have of the party is it screwing me over, from birth through present. I can’t believe any Republican who calls me a friend sincere, because they always pat me on the back in person, and yet stab me in the back repeatedly every election.
And every damned election season the same stupid goddamned stale arguments come up time and time again. I gave them almost 50 years to change, but nope, they’re the same asshats they’ve always been, if not worse than before. So… Enough. Is. Enough.
Sure it makes shopping around a little more difficult, but I choose to vote with my wallet as well as my ballot.
Try 400 years to change
Wow….everyone has a right to vote for whom they wish…has to do nothing with being a good friend….wow! You just do not talk politics with friends and family..same goes for religion! i respect all different views…..so should you!
I agree with Brian wholeheartedly
If you vote for Democrats, you can be CONFIDENT you are right 98 % of the time. When did we ever have a bad Democratic President? I am nearly eighty and can’t think of one. We have had some great Presidents that we can ALL be proud of. So if anyone is still undecided, VOTE A STRAIGHT DEMOCRATIC TICKET. You will be so proud that you did!
Sorry you are so bitter.We are all God’s children and should
treat one another with respect and dignity.
You are absolutely correct. Anyone who’s still willing to identify as Republican – not who USED to be a Republican – is telling you they’re a racist, homophobic, xenophobic, paranoid nutjob. I don’t want those people as friends. And I don’t trust them, he’s right, because they fake nicey nice to your face but believe in and vote for terrible things. What they want is destroying or could destroy our country. I don’t need “friends” like that. If we all took a principled stand against then it might open some eyes. Stop being milquetoasts, people. Stand up for your beliefs.
If republicans are so evil why did President Bush initiate PEPFAR in 2003?
In 2003 President Bush founded the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), which guaranteed $15 million to be spent over the course of five years on prevention, treatment and research on HIV/AIDS. Under the Bush administration, the U.S. was also a leader in contributing to the Global Fund on AIDS.
In 2003 President Bush founded the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), which guaranteed $15 million to be spent over the course of five years on prevention, treatment and research on HIV/AIDS. Under the Bush administration, the U.S. was also a leader in contributing to the Global Fund on AIDS.
Jeremy Terone is exactly right. This nightmare stated with Bill Clinton while he was on the campaign trail. It went his entire 8 yrs in the WH. It was shameful enough them. However, they went over the cliff of insanity when they were beat by ablack liberal. Their policies are so bad for the middle class they have to lie and chat to get elected, they may have to consider this next time. Our country isn’t about the 1%ers, most of us are somewhere in the middle class.
The Republicans are the biggest enemy of the middle class. They voted against every jobs Bill, every small buisness Bill, every Infrastructure Bill, every single thing our President tried to do for our Veterans, and they refused to fund the Security that Obama and Clinton asked for, to protect our Embassies, WHICH ACTUALLY caused the Benghazi attack. Clinton hired local security and they protected the Embassy enough that the TWO DEATHS THERE WERE THE ONLY TWO WHICH DIED AT THE EMBASSY. THEY DIED OF SMOKE INHALATION IN A SMALL ROOM THEY TOOK REFUGE IN DURING THE ATTACK. The TWO FORMER NAVY SEALS who were killed, were CONTRACT CIA SECURITY PERSONNEL who were killed hours later in an attack at the CIA Outpost a few miles away from the Embassy. How anyone could blame Hillary Clinton for any of those FOUR deaths is ridiculous. At least the family of Ambassador Stevens came out and said THEY BLAME THE REPUBLICAN CONGRESS, and they implored Congress not to ever again refuse funding for security of Americans serving abroad, and said EVERYONE should stop blamng Secretary Clinton. Yet Republicans still
do not take the blame and call Hillary a killer. Disgusting liars.
and why does are media let them get a way with this….
McConnell is a far right wing neocon fascist traitor to our country and should be in jail.
Hillary is much worse. She is one of the most evil people on the planet.
And your basis for that opinion is…?
and they eat their own
This didn’t start with Obama. When Clinton was President they did many similar things, including long drawn out investigations. They hated Clinton with all the same ferocity they hate Obama. They spread lies by flyers and anonymous telephone calls. Rumours existed about Clinton, he was going to take away their guns and put all the conservatives in concentration camps. Clinton was the devil and the anti Christ. Clinton (both of them) were serial killers and communists. The difference is at that time fewer Republican supporters believed the often over the top accusations, and Republicans who were running didn’t repeat the accusations. At least the vast majority didn’t. When Al Gore ran they upped their game, started using email along with anonymous telephone calls to spread lies and disinformation. Lets not forget swift boat.
What the Republican party did with Obama was to hone their tactics to a razor sharp edged knife. Also by Obama’s time many of the more moderate Republicans had either been kicked out of the party or been turned into froth at the mouth lunatics, while even worse lunatics had been voted in. The lunatics existed not only at the supporter level but also they had elected frothing at the mouth lunatics to run for high office, and they often backed up the most absurd accusations against Obama and were stating them on the campaign trail. Now Democrats were not just political opponents, but according to the right, communists who hate America.
By Obama far larger numbers of the rights supporters believed almost all the most absurd rumours and demonization, the talk of Obama wanting to take away all their guns, putting them in concentration camps, creating a super highway from Mexico to Canada so those foreigners can invade and take American jobs, birtherism, secret Muslim communist Kenyan idiocy was taken as absolute truth my all the useful idiots. Even now some on the right are saying Obama is planning to institute martial law so he can stay in the white house.
All thanks to Fox News, conservative media and Republican pundits without a shred of ethics, personalities like Glenn Beck and that other oxy popping lunatic on the radio, Limbaugh. They will say anything at all and the ditto heads believe it.
By this time the Republican party had implemented a plan to make Americans hate government. They did it by deliberately obstructing in congress. It was Newt Gingrich’s plan, he implemented it. A plan to make the American government and it’s elected bodies as ineffective as possible. They wanted to convince America that government was not only a problem, it was and is the ONLY problem, and they would do so making it true. Then America’s problem (government) can only be solved by getting rid of government, or at least it’s major agencies. Meanwhile Republicans started the program of starving the beast, passing budget cuts and tax cuts ( the GW Bush tax cuts) as a method to prevent funding of important government institutions, and GW Bush filled important appointments with incompetent political flunkies. Attacks on social security, the FDA, EPA and other agencies soon followed. As did two unfunded wars that funnelled billions of dollars into Republican supporters pockets. Halliburton was the major winner, although there were many, many more, along with billions of dollars of cash that simply went missing. It’s unknown how much or where that money went and how much wound up in Bush’s cronies pockets.
It sounds crazy, but it’s true. As true as an entire political party swearing to obstruct everything an elected president tries to do, even if it damages America and the American people. Republicans were willing to deny Obama a win even at the expense of Americans.
Trump is the end result of Republican’s and conservatives deliberate obstructionism, propaganda, demonizing their opponents for some thirty years and more. While many Republicans flee trump like fleas off a dying rat, the real far right conservative machine remains intact. It continues to spread disinformation, to obstruct and defund government when it can, it continues to demonize government and democrats alike. None of those who have run away from Trump have linked the parties and it’s supporters immoral tactics with the rise of Trump, but Trump hasn’t said or done anything that other Republicans haven’t done or said. Even his horrifying misogynist attitude is deeply ingrained in the Republican party, witness Republicans saying women can’t be president, or they can’t respect a women president.
The next Republican presidential primary winner won’t be like Trump, he will be be much more dangerous, with all the same attitudes except hidden inside.
Today’s Republican Party has little in common even with Ronald Reagan’s GOP, or with earlier versions that believed in government. Instead it has become “an insurgent outlier — ideologically extreme; contemptuous of the inherited social and economic policy regime; scornful of compromise; unpersuaded by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition . . . all but declaring war on the government.”
“It’s Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the New Politics of Extremism” by Thomas E. Mann & Norman J. Ornstein
I strongly suggest everyone read the above book and see how extremism was nurtured by the Republican party.
Clinton did get a Gun Restriction Bill passed which covered sales of multi shot magazines and automatic weapons, but Bush repealed it as soon as he was elected. Gore would have kept it.
actually Bush allowed this bill to retire at it’s term and failed to renew it. another slick way of not addressing it if nobody was watching…
The bill was supported by both sides of the aisle which is why it passed. The law was written to expire after ten years. If there had been any decrease in crime due to the law then it would have received plenty of support from both sides of the aisle. The fact is, the democrats could not come up with any reason for it to be renewed so both sides of the aisle let it expire.
The law which was also supported by many republicans didn’t have anything to do with automatic weapons. They have been illegal since the 1930’s.
And President Bush didn’t repeal it. The law was written to expire in 10 years which it did.
If there had been any decrease in crime due to the law then it would have received plenty of support from both sides of the aisle.
Proud to be an American?…. not so much these days.
I absolutely am! Take a trip down to Mexico and see the poverty those people live in and tell me why you shouldn’t be proud.
The fact “that black man” won the White House infuriated McConnell, Ryan & Co. Their bitter hatred of Obama sabotaged our nation. While the do-nothing Republican Party hamstrung this country for eight solid years, opportunities were wasted away. If Trump’s minions were actually paying attention, they would come to terms with the fact their plight has been orchestrated by Trump and Party. No doubt the Democrats have more than their share of flaws, but to decimate forward movement for nearly a decade is an exercise in raw tyranny. Tyranny, by the way, is treason. The Republicans have committed the ultimate disgrace against America. And, we cannot recapture those years. They are lost to history.
and who cares what race he is? Anybody that does is a racist.
Most of what Republicans do is Treason. Hillary using HER OWN highly secure server was to protect this country, not to harm it. Her server was the only one that was NOT HACKED.
Amazing that President Obama accomplished a lot anyway…just to see that industry/government collision broken is a blessing along with environmental and climate steps, saving the auto industry, deliverance from economic collapse, DOJ and prison reform, a proactive FEMA, wounded warrior caregiver support, among other accomplishments. I am still troy led that POTUS negotiated a cease fire with Russia, but the USA “accidentally” bombed Syrian force, breaking the treaty two days later–POTUS has got to be more proactive in military strategy…hire General Powell as a consultant…do something to exert more control for coordination.
People continue to miss one very important, cogent point: Obama does NOT work in a vacuum in any of his actions. He has the Joint Chiefs of Staff, an entire cadre of Generals and senior Military Officers advising him constantly if not hourly when the occasion demands. Colin Powell is RETIRED. He is not current on many of the Military challenges of today. As to “accidental” bombing, there has been a great deal of finger wagging on that matter between the U.S. and Russia. Frankly, Assad should have been executed long ago. He is and has been killing HIS OWN people without any reprisal. The Republicans HATE Obama because he is a well-educated biracial (black man to them) who actually knows what he is doing. Frankly, the obstructionism agreed to by Ryan, McConnell and company is equivalent to treason for which they ALL should be hanged in public. And, YES, I am full on serious. Traitors to our once great land were executed without delay or hesitancy. Our national moral fiber has been corrupted and contaminated by a Congress that no longer does its job — by its very own choice.
Perhaps Obama’s greatest accomplishment is the destruction of the Republican Party.
It is more of a self destruction resulting in implosion, i.e., they did it to themselves with the Chump’s, McConnell’s, Ryan’s Boener’s & other clowns help as well.
Yes, they did it themselves, because they hated President Obama far more than they ever cared about this country.
Sour grapes did in the GOP…so, they run Trump, insulting citizens and making a mockery of the democratic process.
It has nothing to do with President Obama or Trump.
The republican party is in shambles and has been because they lack a solid platform the majority of Americans can get behind. It has nothing to do with Douche Waffle, I mean Trump.
That party is rotten to the core, and their being “wrecked” is simply wishful thinking. Half of all white Americans would rather die than give up their racism.
You are a VERY special kind of stupid. Democrat?
The Democrat party is the party of slavery, segregation, racism. Right into the 21st century. Quickzipper Clinton said (in 2008) that Barackkk should be bringing him his coffee. The child molester Harry Reid said that Barackkk was “light skinned enough, and doesn’t speak with a Negro accent unless he wants to”. Quickzipper’s treasonous wife’s mentor was a Democrat Senator and Grand Poobah of the Democrat founded and run KKK, Robert Byrd. She also started the birther movement in 2008.
All facts.
The Democrats jettisoned their Confederate sympathizer wing in 1964, just over half a century ago with the Civil Rights Act. Richard Nixon immediately, and quite openly picked up the mantle for the Republican Party and called it his “Southern Strategy.” The South and a few other states like Utah have been voting Republican ever since.
And you’re calling people stupid, after spewing the most clumsy propaganda the GOP has reserved for its extra gullible supporters like yourself?
People like you always make me wonder, why the people who know the least are the most strident and excitable.
I don’t think he’s going to understand all those big words you used.
Yet Quickzipper’s treasonous wife’s mentor was a KKK Grand Poobah and Democrat Senator (in the 21st century).
Yet Quickzipper said that Stinky (BO) should be bringing him his coffee (in the 21st Century).
Yet Dingy Harry said that Stinky (BO) is “light skinned enough”…..etc etc” (in the 21st century).
The weak minded often buy into the extremist views that everyone different than them is at fault for their inability to do anything.
You really are deplorable. Republicans certainly jumped aboard the birther movement with great joy! Sadly there is far too much racism alive and well in this country. It isn’t something you are born with, you learn at your Daddy’s knee. The old Southern Democrat is long gone, now it is the Southern Republican/tea party addicts. All your hate is only hurting you, but go for it, who cares.
Quickzipper Clinton’s wife started the birther movement in 2008 (in the 21st century).
Quickzipper himself said that Stinky (BO) should be bringing him his coffee (in the 21st century).
Bumpkiss, you need help just like your cousin Donald.
“The Democrat party” Code talk alert. (unless we have an ickan Party – lopping letters off of Republican Party)
What are you talking about, Bobo?
How old are you? I think your mom is calling you for dinner. Good luck on that civics test tomorrow, Jimmy.
A little civics 101 would be good for a skunk ass deplorable like you.
Where was I in error, Val?
It is in the air you breathe and the thoughts you never have.
So you got nothing.
Got it!
All hogwash
All nonsense. That you would believe these lies show you are at best an unsophisticated rube, but to post them shows you are not smart enough to be an unsophistcated rube. You’re more like a rube’s sidekick.
For those who don’t know, “kafir” is Arabic for non-believer or infidel, appropriated recently by a group of Inbred Islamaphobes calling themselves Citizen Warriors and other laughably pretentious titles. The were rejected by the KKK due to potty training issues that soiled the robes.
Socrates said a debate loser resorts to slander. When I hear people calling Rhodes Scholars and Nobel Laureates, even senators and the POTUS bad names, I always wonder what accomplishments these cynics are working with. Surely, their life achievements must surpass those of whom they are disparaging!
Saun Hytche said:
Too high on coke…chickens came home to roost for the old man Bush and his continuance of Reagan’s drugs and arms programs.
Just like when Sen. Harry Reid called President Bush a loser and a liar huh?
Nah…more like when his C average dad called Rhodes Scholar Clinton a Bozo–lost the GOP an election as people connected the dots.
Any proof of this? From a real news source? Or do you just want to slander and act like a toddler?
Clearly, since you cannot offer a true and reasoned commentary you opt to insult, offend and hate. Where is your support for the libel you are spewing out? If you are going posit falsehoods, climb back into the shit hole you just crawled out of.
I think it is less than half but still big numbers.