Fido’s New Home: 10 Tips for Moving with a Dog

As stressful as moving is for us, it’s much scarier for our favorite four-legged friends. Here are ten tips for moving with dogs.

Once in a while, people need to relocate to new homes. In the US, moving rates stand at an average of 11.2% of the population annually.

Relocating to new homes sounds exciting. However, the process is challenging and scary. The scaring part is movement and adoption of the new environment. It‘s not only frightening for you but your dog too.

You don’t want to live your bear behind. At the same time, you don’t want to scare and stress the dog with crazy movement. What do you do?

Read this article to learn tips for moving with a dog.

1. Consult a Vet

During movement, you want the dog to be safe and at perfect health. Contact your current vet before the shift. Why?

A veterinarian is an excellent source of information and documentation. Consult on the following essential issues:

  • Behavior modification techniques or medication to make your dog’s travel less stressful.
  • Vaccination records
  • Licensing and microchipping
  • Health condition for dog’s travel

The vet may also help you find a new reliable vet for your dog in the new area. Make sure to consult your vet before the trip.

2. Plan Ahead

Prepare an overnight kit to ensure comfortable and safe travel for your dog. So, what should the package include?

  • Enough food for travel if you’ll be traveling long.
  • Kitty liners, toys, and grooming tools
  • Necessary medication
  • A separate bag that includes your pets bedding, leashes and
  • Kennels if necessary.

The dog’s kit helps ensure that all relevant and valuable belongings for the dog are not left behind.

3. Keep Your Dog Away from Action

You want your dog to have a calm moving process, right?

Then make the moving process as calm as possible. Wondering how? Don’t keep your pets around during box movement, packing, and stacking.

The process can be involving, noisy, and with lots of movement. It might leave your dog startled. Your dog will likely react to the movers or cause distraction.

The tip for moving that reduces stress is keeping them away from the action. During the move, leave them with your friend.

Alternatively, find a sitter to keep away for that day.

4. Travel with Your Dog

Unless you’re traveling long distance or beyond the US, make it possible to travel with your dog.

Don’t let your dog travel in the truck. It would cause them stress and isolation. It is not healthy for the dog.

Drive the pet along with you. The objective is to directly care for your dog and bring a sense of familiarity.

If you travel with the dog, prepare the special carriers necessary for transportation. Alternatively, you can use dog seat belts to make your dog comfortable.

Make the movement process for the dog as comfortable as possible.

Just because you’re traveling, do not forget your dogs have needs. Ensure the cleaning, medication, and feeding routine is on check.

If circumstances don’t allow for travel with your dog, travel companies like can help ease the process.

Caution: Don’t leave your pet alone in the car at the parking lot if you have to make stopovers.

5. Tire the Dog during Travel

Traveling long distance is tiring and stressful. You need to keep your dog as calm as possible. It’s commendable to keep your dog distracted to avoid stress during travel.

How do you distract the pet?

Tire the dog using a new toy or treat. Besides, taking your dog for a long tiring walk prior to the travel day can work the magic.

6. Skip Breakfast

If your dog is not fond of travels, it can cause carsickness. You’ll need to avoid breakfast during the move day. The strategy helps reduce nausea and vomiting.

If you skip breakfast, make sure to feed your dog upon arrival to the new environment.

7. Make the Movement Process

Don’t dominate the whole experience with sadness. It can be scary for your dog. Make the experience as fun as possible. You must be wondering how to create fun of the frightening experience.

  • Take pictures with your dog
  • Give your pet the window seat.
  • Play with your dog in the car
  • Keep your dog’s mind engaged with puzzles

The primary tip for moving is to keep your dog active. An active dog is a happy dog.

8. Update Your Dog’s Identification Tag

Before or on travel day, update your dog’s identification tag. The new label should include the new address, name, and phone number. Wondering why it’s essential?

Your pet may get lost during travel or upon arrival due to non-familiarity to the new environment. If your dog still holds their old address, it could be hard to get him/her back.

9. Familiarize with New Pet Rules and Regulations

Upon arrival at a new residence, make your dog familiar with the new environment. Just like humans, pets need time to adjust to new surroundings.

So, what tips for moving do you need to make it easy for your dog?

Take your dog for walks to familiarize with the new environment.

Identify new local parks for your dog.

If you’re not available at a new home, provide entertainment to ease stress.

10. Safety Tips for Moving your Dog

There are essential factors to look out for during travel day with your dog. They include;

  • Do not let your pet travel on your laps
  • Do not let your dog stick out its heads out of the car. It’s dangerous and can injure your pet’s far.
  • Make frequent stops if you’re traveling a long distance to allow your pet to relieve itself.
  • If you plan to make air travel, get a policy for flying. In addition, make sure your carrier aligns with air policy requirements.
  • Cover your pet with blankets for familiar smells to reduce anxiety.

Wrap Up

Moving is a scary experience for both dogs and humans. It doesn’t have to be. With some few tips for moving, you can make the process fun and less stressful for your pet.

Planning, consulting your vet, and updating your dog’s identification are among key tips for moving your dog.

Visit our website to learn more about movement tips for your pet.