Exploring the Remains of Baltimore’s Six Flags Power Plant
Prompted by an incredible series of articles by Josh Young on ThemeParkUniversity.com, Monika and I decided to explore the remains of Six Flags Power Plant, a theme park that opened in Baltimore, Maryland in late-July 1985.
Due to a series of massive blunders on the part of Six Flags, the park was never successful. In January 1987 the park shut down and was turned into a Six Flags-run nightclub complex (P.T. Flagg’s), which was also unsuccessful. In 1990 the city kicked Six Flags out of the building for good, at which point it sat vacant for years. In 1997 it was finally bought by the Cordish Company and remodeled to include the Hard Rock Cafe, Barnes and Noble, and ESPN Zone (now Phillip’s Seafood).
I visited Six Flags Power Plant at least twice as a kid and have very fond memories of it. Unfortunately, not much remains from this ill-fated park (which, even though it was branded as a Six Flags park, had zero actual rides!). The exterior of the building remains mostly the same, but if you didn’t know any better, there would be no way to tell that this complex once housed a 4D theater, an animatronic show, two Pepper’s Ghost-filled walk-thrus (similar to Rolly Crump’s never-built Museum of the Weird), and a bunch of shops and restaurants, all designed by ex-Disney Imagineers!
For a complete history of the park, as well as a bunch more photos, check out Josh’s articles at
A few pictures in the video also came from:
(Lede photo credit: G. Edward Johnson http://EdwardJohnson.com/ Wikimedia Commons)

Leonard Kinsey is the owner of Bamboo Forest Publishing, and the bestselling author of “The Dark Side of Disney”, the Anarchist Cookbook of Disney travel guides. He has lived in Baltimore for over 15 years, and enjoys drinking craft beer in unique places, eating nachos and pizza, listening to 80s hair metal, and arguing about Star Trek minutia, often all at the same time. Watch out ladies!