Europa-Park Haunted Horror Nights
Hugh scored us press passes for Europa-Park’s Haunted Horror Nights Press Event and Opening Night! We watched a preview of their new ice show (which was *very* sexy, and nothing like anything Disney would produce), and then we were led to the haunts, where there was plenty of free food, booze, and people running around with chainsaws! Unfortunately, my camera died midway through the night, so I didn’t get as much footage as I would have wanted.
Thanks to the management at Europa-Park for giving us a short tour, and for letting us crash their Haunted Horror Nights Grand Opening event.

Leonard Kinsey is the owner of Bamboo Forest Publishing, and the bestselling author of “The Dark Side of Disney”, the Anarchist Cookbook of Disney travel guides. He has lived in Baltimore for over 15 years, and enjoys drinking craft beer in unique places, eating nachos and pizza, listening to 80s hair metal, and arguing about Star Trek minutia, often all at the same time. Watch out ladies!