The Empress: 50 Shades of Tarot
Photo above: scene from YouTube trailer for “50 Shades of Grey.”
In this article I will be looking at the Empress who is the mother figure in the tarot and not only connects to pregnancy quite literally sometimes, but also to movement in the person’s life.
When this card appears in its upright position it’s all about the sensual feminine side of the female and her need to look after and nurture her partner in all areas of life. This is wonderful but hits problems when she comes from being the sensual partner into the mother who runs after him like a baby and nags about everything.
This can mean the relationship moves onto another level and becomes almost stagnant in the area of sexual pursuit as it can be boring. She is then not seen as the sensual sex goddess that she can be. Don’t get me wrong, there is a loving and fond relationship but, a mate partner wants his woman to be sexy and experimental so, as long as the mother figure in this card stays away from the bedroom there is a chance of excitement and passion as well as the patter of tiny feet too.
All too often I come up against readings where this is the case and women complain that their partner is not making advances towards them and they feel emotionally lost – when I point out that they need to fall back into the roll of the lover it all seems to make sense and hopefully, the ones I have spoken to about this have experienced a turn around in their romance.
When the card is in a revered position then this lady is not the over bearing mother but the love goddess and sensuality rules supreme. Things in this area do move in a different way and there is fulfillment in the bedroom arena, not only that but real love is attached to the art of lovemaking.
Therefore ladies, if you want to nurture and tend to your partner’s desires in a caring way that is perfect, but in the bedroom maintain a healthy and fulfilled sex life by being the temptress, this way you have all decks covered. For those of you who are looking to conceive this is an amazing card and brings you joy in this area most of the time and so, having the healthy balance and equilibrium gets the all round results you are seeking.

Joan was born and lives in Scotland by the River Clyde. Over the past 30 years Joan’s journey had taken many a winding turn and to places she never thought she would end up, for example: in theatre touring the UK delivering messages from the spirit world – it’s a far cry from her thoughts as a teenager about writing a cookery book however, she did manage the book which is called “ An Angel Walked Beside Me” published by Harper Collins which contains stories about and from Psychic children and not a recipe in sight. Joan has worked extensively in the media covering everything from haunted locations to druid gatherings. She might not be Scully from the X Files but she is well clued up on all things mystical and works on Skype with clients worldwide. You can see more about her at: