Danny Glover speaks out about Venezuela and challenges the ‘media’ in Baltimore
Actor and social justice activist Danny Glover just returned from visiting Venezuela and served on a panel Sunday discussing the the struggle in that South American country, along with issues dealing with creating a “news” system to challenge the establishment media.
A large audience attended the event in the auditorium of the Real News Network Media Center. It’s located on Holliday Street near City Hall.
Serving on the panel with Glover was the educator and social justice activist James Early and Paul Jay, CEO of “The Real News Network.”
A short excerpt from Glover’s comments are included in the video. Please visit my Facebook album of 23 photos.
Bill Hughes is an attorney, author, actor and photographer. His latest book is “Byline Baltimore.” It can be found at: https://www.amazon.com/William-Hughes/e/B00N7MGPXO/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1