Creative ways to make money as a YouTuber
YouTube has no doubt become one of the most popular internet platforms in recent years. You can find a channel on virtually anything, and there are new content creators popping right left and center every single day. And while the competition is pretty tough, there is certainly room for newcomers who want to make money on YouTube. Of course, taking a creative approach would probably be the wisest course of action. If you have not delved deep in what YouTube has to offer, the ideas mentioned below will be worth a lot. So make sure to read them.
Redirect Your Viewers
A website needs traffic to make money. If you have a personal blog or an affiliate marketing website, having people come from a YouTube channel is a great way to increase revenue. Of course, you will need something that is already established because starting a channel just for the traffic would be a waste of time.
Promote Your Products
There are a lot of different things that people might find interesting and wanting to buy. It does not have to be something physical. The demand for digital stuff is growing each year. More of us are moving to ebook readers such as Kindle, streaming platforms, not to mention listening to music on Spotify. Creating something yourself and promoting it on a channel that has a lot of subscribers definitely helps with sales.
This one is a bit different than the previous tip. As far as platforms for this purpose goes, is probably the best youtube merchandise make at the moment. Selling t-shirts, mugs, hoodies, etc. is a good way to expand and solidify your brand even further.
Get a Patreon Page
The majority of YouTubers no longer depend on ad revenue. It has been replaced with Patreon, where users can directly pledge money to content creators and receive certain rewards, depending on what the creator offers and how much they are pledging. Patreon does take a 5-percent cut for themselves, but it is a small percentage.
Become a Personality
Not every video needs to have some value in order to bring in views. Plenty of channels rely on going viral and manage to accomplish that because the person behind the camera is charismatic or interesting. In other words, he or she has a personality. The whole channel can start on a whim and turn out to be a worldwide sensation. You never know so that is why if you have something to share with the rest of the population, you should do it.
Learn about MetaData
It is similar to search engine optimization. With the number of videos that get uploaded every day, it is easy to get lost and not receive any views at all. Tags, titles, descriptions: all of this matter. Try to make the most out of it and optimize your content the best you can.
Continue to learn
A good way to not lose is learning all the time. Whenever there is a change in the algorithm or rules, you need to be the first to know about it. For instance, if you are promoting a print on demand business on your channel, reading a Printify review like important.
Make Your Pet a Star
This one might be a bit of a stretch, but people have always loved cute animals. You can see plenty of examples on Instagram where a pet has more followers than a b-list celebrity, just because. For YouTube, it is a bit trickier, but a gorgeous looking dog that does tricks on camera could be your ticket to paradise.
All in all, YouTube business is pretty difficult stuff to pull off. Nevertheless, most of the channels that are popular today have started with a couple of hundred views and grew from there. The more you delay with starting it, the harder it will be. Therefore, if you are serious about becoming somebody on YouTube, do it now.