Col. Ann Wright: ‘Stop the massacre of innocent civilians in Gaza!’
Representatives from the “Veterans for Peace,”staged a demonstration Monday in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. Its purpose was to deliver a letter to Israel’s Ambassador to the U.S., Ron Dermer.
Before trying to deliver the letter, Col. Ann Wright (U.S. Army, Retired), read its contents in front of the entrance to the embassy. Col. Wright is a member of the Veterans for Peace and also a former official of the U.S. State Department. She resigned from that position rather than endorse the immoral and illegal Iraq War.
Col. Wright, speaking on behalf of the Veterans for Peace delegation, demanded: Israel “stop the slaughter of the innocent civilians in Gaza.”
She labeled it: “a clear violation of international laws of war and human rights.”
She added: “More than 500 Palestinians have been murdered almost all of them civilians, nearly a quarter of them children…stop the massacre now!” Col. Wright had a special message for Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. She said: “You can bomb the world into pieces, but you cannot bomb it into peace!”
The embassy’s officials refused to accept the Veterans for Peace’s letter when Tarak Kauff of the VFP tried to present it to them.
CODEPINK activists also took part in the demonstration. To learn more, about the Veterans for Peace, go here.
Col. Wright’s full statement can be found on the video.
Please see my Facebook page for more photos.

Bill Hughes is an attorney, author, actor and photographer. His latest book is “Byline Baltimore.” It can be found at: