Baltimore Pride block party and parade brings out proud crowd
The annual open-air Baltimore Pride block party/parade was held under sunny skies on Saturday afternoon on Charles Street in and around Baltimore’s Mount Vernon-Belvedere areas.
The happening’s inaugural run dates back to 1977. It grows larger each passing year. The high-heel race was scheduled for 3 p.m. and the parade itself set off around 3:30 p.m. The Gay and Lesbian community was out in full force for the celebration, with all of their rainbow colors flowing in the wind. Thousands of fans/family, including lots of kids, lined both some of the sidewalks on Charles from Centre Street up to Chase Street, to cheer the good-spirited marchers on.
Plenty of Bmore-styled summer grilled food and music on hand that added to the jubilant ambiance of the merrymaking.
It’s fair to say: A good time was had by all!
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Bill Hughes is an attorney, author, actor and photographer. His latest book is “Byline Baltimore.” It can be found at: