Baltimore activists call on Caesar’s Horseshoe Casino to hire local residents
Social justice activists staged a spirited rally Saturday in South Baltimore, near the future site of Caesar’s new Horseshoe Casino, (Russell Street), and just south of the M&T Stadium.
The demonstrators wary of broken promises from deep pocket developers in the past, who have received tax breaks galore from the city government, are insisting that Caesars keep its pledge to hire “Baltimore residents, pay a living wage and respect workers right to unionize.”
They also wants it to address the community’s concerns about “environmental hazards at the site,” according to the press release of the activists.
The rally was organized by Unite Here Local 7, the United Workers, Community Churches United, etc., and the “Campaign for Fair Development.”
Unite Here announced it was very close to signing an agreement with Caesar permitting it the right “to unionized” at the facility without intimidation from the company.
To check out Caesar’s plans for the area, click here. To learn more about the “Fair Development Campaign,” see the Facebook page.
For more photos click here.

Bill Hughes is an attorney, author, actor and photographer. His latest book is “Byline Baltimore.” It can be found at: