Lifestyle Influencer Ami Desai Shares 3 Tips on Surviving an Unprecedented Health Crisis for Expecting Mothers

Motherhood is an expression of love, courage, and hope. And it’s just about what the world needs today. COVID-19 may have put a big question mark in our understanding of life itself, but that hasn’t stopped growth from thriving. Yet, it’s a difficult time for expectant mothers all over the world. But worry not because beauty blogger and influencer, Ami Desai, has five tips for expecting mothers to survive this unprecedented health crisis.

Desai has worked as a TV producer and TV host and even found herself a seat aboard the Oprah Winfrey Network OWN. But the things of greatest pride and joy for her are her three musketeers (third one due in July) whom she dotes on like, well…a mother!  COVID-19 has given rise to mass hysteria, with so many uncertainties at an all-time high. A bit of good advice from an experienced fellow being can prove very useful indeed.

Ami Desai
Ami Desai

Stay away from the media

With newsmakers running short of any news other than COVID, TV channels are repeatedly showing clips of overworked frontline workers, confused political leaders, and an anxious rest of the world. These images are bound to stress anyone. And if you are an expecting mother, Desai suggests, “maintaining social distancing with your television set.” This will keep the mommy-to-be away from the noise of anxiety and ambiguity, and she can turn her attention inwards to the growing life inside her.

Start a ‘baby-hobby’

Developing a baby-hobby means thinking of all the things you would like to do with your baby. If you’d like to read him/her stories that fascinated you, why not create a list of all your favorite fairytales? If you perhaps have a preferred list of tunes, you can create a playlist for the little one to get acquainted with, while still in the womb! You can also crochet cutesy things for the baby. Desai believes that such activities “will keep your mind occupied with positive thoughts and hope” and can have a dramatic effect on the well-being of your child as well.

Set up the nursery

Start working on your soon-to-be favorite room. You and your partner can engage in this together. Get a sense of the space, imagine how you can best welcome your child into your life, think colors, décor et al. And once you’ve gained a perspective on the overall look of the room, get online with an interior decorator, share your concerns and desires, hear their suggestions, and plan out your purchases. Ami believes that this itself will be an intensive experience and will make you sleep like a baby.

Needless to say, it’s essential to stay away from stressful distractions and focus on what’s to come. You see, crises may come and go, but your baby and the future of the world is here to stay.

2 thoughts on “Lifestyle Influencer Ami Desai Shares 3 Tips on Surviving an Unprecedented Health Crisis for Expecting Mothers

  • June 3, 2020 at 10:29 AM

    These are good tips, but now most of the worries of expectant mothers are also related to the money issue. It was already very difficult for many to equip a nursery, but now when many have been fired, it has become a great luxury. It would be nice if expectant mothers did not worry about this. But in modern realities, these tips apply only to a small part of the population. I think that keeping away from the media is great advice, the media is only bad news that can harm us and make us worry. Thank you, good luck!

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